AnnMari Jansson


Eva AnnMari Jansson née Olausson (1934–2007) was a Swedish scientist who specialized in systems ecology. She is remembered for studying the interaction between ecology and economics, contributing to early research into ecological economics. Together with her husband Bengt-Owe Jansson, she undertook research at the Askö Laboratory into the fauna of the Baltic Sea, especially in the Cladophora Belt. Increasingly, under the influence of the American researcher Howard T. Odum, she turned her attention to ecology, examining the interaction between different species and the environment. In 1988, she helped to establish the International Society for Ecological Economics, editing its journal Ecological Economics from 1989 and hosting the society's meeting in Stockholm in 1992. In 1990, she was appointed director of Stockholm University's research centre for natural sources and the environment, becoming professor of systems ecology in 1999.