Some Common Mammals of Western Montana in Relation to Agriculture and Spotted Fever
David Griffiths, United States. Department of Agriculture, Walter David Hunter, C. F. Langworthy, Erwin Frink Smith, Altus Lacy Quaintance, John Robbins Mohler, Lee Cleveland Corbett, William Moore Scott, Perley Spaulding, Albert Hugh Bryan, Andrew Delmar Hopkins, Clarence Birdseye, David Ernest Lantz, George Whitfield Pope, Gustavus Benson Brackett, Harry Webster Graybill, J. M. Westgate, Leonard Lee Harter, Logan Waller Page, Lore Alford Rogers, Maurice Chase Burritt, Ned Dearborn, Oswald Schreiner, Waldo Lee McAtee, Caroline Louisa Hunt, Foster Ellenborough Lascelles Beal, Harry Nelson Vinall, Joshua John Skinner, Roland McKee, Morgan William Evans, Furman Lloyd Mulford