Donna Noble
Donna Noble is a fictional character in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Portrayed by British actress and comedian Catherine Tate, she is a former companion of the Tenth Doctor. Originally appearing in the closing scene of the show's 2006 series and as a special guest star in its following Christmas special, "The Runaway Bride", Tate was not expected to reprise her role as Donna; for series 3 (2007), the Doctor travelled alongside medical student Martha Jones. However, Tate expressed interest in returning to the role, and she returned as Donna for the duration of series 4 (2008), and in a subsequent 2009–10 Christmas and New Year's special. On 15 May 2022, it was announced that Catherine Tate will reprise the role of Donna Noble for the series' 60th anniversary in 2023.