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A farmer is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials. The term usually applies to people who do some combination of raising field crops, orchards, vineyards, poultry, or other livestock. A farmer might own the farm land or might work as a laborer on land owned by others. In most developed economies, a "farmer" is usually a farm owner (landowner), while employees of the farm are known as farm workers. However, in other older definitions a farmer was a person who promotes or improves the growth of plants, land or crops or raises animals by labor and attention.


John Skinner, Robert Burns, David Mallet, Robert Tannahill, Allan Ramsay, Flowers, Rural festivity, Unfortunate shepherdess, Seven excellent new songs, Betsy, Mourning bride, Sailor, Faithless sea-captain, Two excellent songs, Mail coach, Allan, Merry, Bell (bonny.), Farmer, lady Anne Barnard, Five songs, Ulster tragedy, Margaret (, Jenny (of Aberdeen,, Turkish lady, Fortunate lassie, Bonny Highland lad, Four excellent new songs, Banaphie, Belfast shoemaker, Capt Glen (fict. name.), Ellen More (, Freemason, Gentle shepherd, Get, Hallow fair, Jemmy (, Jockey, Johnny Faa (, Katharine Ogie (, Lilies, Nancy (, Nicholas (, Owen (, Oxfordshire tragedy, Robin (, Saldana ship, Scots songs, Six excellent new songs, Six favourite new songs, Three songs, Tom Tough (, Unco bit want, Village sexton, Vittoria, Wanton wife, Wedderburn (capt,, William (, Woodpecker, duke of Gordon (fict. name.)
Lilies of the valley; to which are added, This is no my plaid [&c. Songs].
Lilies of the valley; to which are added, This is no my plaid [&c. Songs].
John Skinner, Robert Burns, David Mallet, Robert Tannahill, Allan Ramsay, Flowers, Rural festivity, Unfortunate shepherdess, Seven excellent new songs, Betsy, Mourning bride, Sailor, Faithless sea-captain, Two excellent songs, Mail coach, Allan, Merry, Bell (bonny.), Farmer, lady Anne Barnard, Five songs, Ulster tragedy, Margaret (, Jenny (of Aberdeen,, Turkish lady, Fortunate lassie, Bonny Highland lad, Four excellent new songs, Banaphie, Belfast shoemaker, Capt Glen (fict. name.), Ellen More (, Freemason, Gentle shepherd, Get, Hallow fair, Jemmy (, Jockey, Johnny Faa (, Katharine Ogie (, Lilies, Nancy (, Nicholas (, Owen (, Oxfordshire tragedy, Robin (, Saldana ship, Scots songs, Six excellent new songs, Six favourite new songs, Three songs, Tom Tough (, Unco bit want, Village sexton, Vittoria, Wanton wife, Wedderburn (capt,, William (, Woodpecker, duke of Gordon (fict. name.)