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Gordon Redding


Gordon Redding, MA (Cambridge, PhD, D.Econ h.c., is a British professor, academic, author, editor, and consultant. He is today a specialist on China and the regional ethnic Chinese, and also works on the comparison of different systems of capitalism, and on the role of education in societal development.His core interest is in the role of culture in the shaping of societal progress. He has published 15 books and 150 articles related to these subjects. He has held a number of professorships, and is currently working as a Senior Fellow of the HEAD Foundation, based in Singapore. This is a non-profit foundation which he was invited by regional philanthropists to establish in 2010, and initially directed to 2014. He also spent 24 years at the University of Hong Kong, where he founded and directed the HKU Business School. For seven years from 1997 he was Director of the Euro-Asia Centre at INSEAD in France. He was also for ten years a Director of the Wharton International Forum, working globally in executive education. Now living in London he held - from 2013 to 2015 - a Visiting Professorial Fellowship at the Institute of Education, UCL.