Greg Mitchell


Greg Mitchell is an American author and journalist who has written twelve non-fiction books on United States politics and history of the 20th and 21st centuries. He has also written and directed three film documentaries. The award-winning feature Atomic Cover-up (2021) screened at over fifteen film festivals. The First Attack Ads: Hollywood vs. Upton Sinclair aired over hundreds of PBS stations in October 2022 and The Memorial Day Massacre is scheduled to do the same in 2023. His latest book, published by the New Press in 2020, was the award-winning The Beginning or the End: How Hollywood--and America--Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. His previous book, a bestseller, was published by Crown in October 2016, was The Tunnels: Escapes Under the Berlin Wall and the Historic Films the JFK White House Tried to Kill. From 2009 to 2016 he blogged on the media and politics for The Nation, where he closely covered WikiLeaks. He co-produced the acclaimed 2014 film documentary "Following the Ninth," about the political and cultural influence of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.