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H. Rutherford Turnbull


H. Rutherford Turnbull III is an American author, educator and leader in the field of disability policy and law. He is Ross and Marianna Beach Distinguished Professor Emeeritus of special education and law at University of Kansas. He was the principal draftsman or staff person for the NC Senate and House in revising that state's disability law while being professor of public law and government, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and, during his 34 years of professorship at The University of Kansas, ; was principal staff for the federal Assisstive Technology Act and the family support provisions of the Rehab Act; and principal draftsman of the "procedural safeguards" regulations under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. He has published over 300 peer-reviewed article and chapter, and over 35 books. He has been president, Am. Ass'n. on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities; chairman, board of trustees of Judge David L. Bazelon Center on Mental Health Law; senior officer of The Arc of U.S.; senior officer of TASH: The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps; and chair of the Am Bar Ass's committee on disability law. Together with his wife Ann and alongside of Pres. J.F. Kennedy and his sister Eunice Shriver, he was recognized by a consortium of seven family and professional associations in the field of intellectual/developmental disabilities as one of 36 people who changed the course of history in the 20th Century. He has received over 40 accommodations from federal, state, and local professional and family service and advocacy organizations for his leadership. He is the father of Jay (1967-2009), a person with intellectual disabilities, autism, and emotional challenges; and of Amy and Kate, both civil rights advocates.