Jean Williams


Jean Williams is a British professor in sport history and author specialising in women's history; sport and literature; sportswear and motorsport. Having previously taught English for a decade, Williams was a senior research fellow at the International Centre for Sport History and Culture, De Montfort University. She acted as a historical consultant to the National Football Museum, particularly for elections to the English Football Hall of Fame. Though mainly known for her work on women's football, Williams has produced a range of material on the history of sports and the social contexts of events: these include articles on a collection of early modern sporting poems and 1950s British Bridge to a chapter on the Indianapolis 500 motor race in the United States. Williams also looked at women's motor racing for a special edition on Britain's motorists published in 2014. In terms of public history, Williams is very interested in the Midlands and wrote about Leicestershire cricketer George Geary for Our Sporting Life, an exhibition held at Curve Theatre in February 2011.