Kunibert Raffer


Professor Kunibert Raffer is a development researcher. His main contributions are on international economic relations and the problems of unequal exchange. From 1979–1980 he was Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Vienna and from 1983–84 consultant to UNIDO. He was a visiting lecturer (1986–89) at the University of Klagenfurt and then Visiting Fellow of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex. He spent 1990–93 as Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Commerce, University of Birmingham and in 1998 participated in the UNDP's research project "International Development Cooperation and Global Public Goods". Since 2002 he has been Senior Associate of the New Economics Foundation (London), with a winter term (002-03) as visiting Professor at the Centre for the Study of International Institutions (CSI), SOWI Faculty, University of Innsbruck.