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Laura Gallego García


Laura Gallego García was born in Quart de Poblet (Valencia) in 1977. She studied Hispanic Philology at the University of Valencia, where she specialised in medieval literature. While at the faculty, she founded the journal “Náyade” together with her fellow students, and served as co-editor from 1997 to 2000. Her first novel, “Finis Mundi”, won the Barco de Vapor award in 1998 and has been translated into Portuguese, German and Italian. Since then she has continued to write works for children and young people: the trilogy “Memorias de Idhún”, the saga “Crónicas de la torre” and “Alas de fuego” are just a few of the titles she has published. In 2001 she again won the Barco de Vapor award with “The Legend of the Wandering King”. She is also the author of children's stories and screenplays for cartoon series. Some of her work has been translated into English, Chinese, Norwegian, Swedish, and Korean, among other languages. In 2012 she was the winner of the National Children's and Young People's Literature Award.