Lorenzo Nigro


Lorenzo Nigro is an Italian archaeologist. He is Associated Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology, is the Coordinator of the Oriental Section of the Department of Sciences of Antiquities of Sapienza University of Rome. He has participated in several archaeological expeditions in the Near East and the Mediterranean. He is the Director of Rome "La Sapienza" Expedition to Motya, a Phoenician city in Western Sicily, and the Director of Rome "La Sapienza" Expedition to Palestine & Jordan, which is carrying on systematic excavations at Tell es-Sultan/ancient Jericho in Palestine, where archaeological works were resumed in 2009, and at the Early Bronze Age fortified city, previously unknown, of Khirbet al-Batrawy (2005-2011), in the north-central district of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Since 2015 he started the archaeological exploration, in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, of the site of Tell es-Sheikh Abu Zarad, ancient Tappuah.