Ramez Elmasri
Ramez A. Elmasri was an Egyptian-American computer scientist and a noted researcher in the field of database systems. He was also professor and associate chairman in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas.
He was best known as the author of the textbooks: "Fundamentals of Database systems". His book has been a leading textbook in the database area worldwide for last 25 years. It is now in its seventh edition, having been translated into Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Greek, Euskara, and Arabic. His book is used as a standard textbook in India, Pakistan, Europe, South Africa, Australia and South East Asia, and is also widely used in the US, Canada, and South America. He had worked at The University of Texas at Arlington since 1990 and had supervised 16 Ph.D. and more than 200 M.S. projects/theses.