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Richard Baxter


Richard Baxter was an English Puritan church leader, poet, hymnodist, theologian, and controversialist. Dean Stanley called him "the chief of English Protestant Schoolmen". After some false starts, he made his reputation by his ministry at Kidderminster in Worcestershire, and at around the same time began a long and prolific career as theological writer. After the Restoration he refused preferment, while retaining a non-separatist Presbyterian approach, and became one of the most influential leaders of the Nonconformists, spending time in prison. His views on justification and sanctification are somewhat controversial and unconventional within the Calvinist tradition because his teachings seem, to some, to undermine salvation by faith, in that he emphasizes the necessity of repentance and faithfulness.


Thomas Manton, Thomas Cole, Richard Baxter, John Sheffield, Thomas Doolittle, Anthony Palmer, Andrew Parsons, Matthew Barker, Stephen Ford, Thomas Jacombe, Benjamin Needler, William Jenkyn, John Faldo, William Carslake (curate, Werrington, Devonshire, ejected.), William Cooper (minister, St. Olave's, Southwark), George Griffith (preacher, Charter house, silenced), Thomas Gouge (nonconformist, vicar of St. Sepulchre's, London), Richard Mayo, Samuel Smith (minister, Stamford Dingley, ejected 1662), John Singleton (nonconformist preacher, London, etc.), John Yates (nonconformist, Binsted, Hampshire.)
XXI. | Divines | (Whose Names are Here-under Affixed) | Cleared, | Of the Unjust Criminations of Will. Penn; | In His | Pretended Jvst Rebuke for Their Epistle | to a Book, Entituled, Qvakerism No | Christianity. | And William Penn Proved Neither Christian, Nor | a Man of Common Modesty, Or Honesty. | The Names of the Divines Vindicated, | (three Columns) Dr. Tho. Manton, | Dr. Tho. Jacomb, | Dr. John Singleton, | Mr. Thomas Cole, | Mr. Tho. Doelittle, | Mr. Samuel Smith, | Mr. Ben. Needler, | | Mr. Richard Baxter, | Mr. Thomas Gouge, | Mr. John Yates, | Mr. John Sheffield, | Mr. Anth. Palmer, | Mr. Richard Mayo, | Mr. Andr. Parsons, | | Mr. Will. Jenkyn, | Mr. Geo. Griffith, | Mr. Matth. Barker, | Mr. Tho. Watson, | Mr. Will. Cooper, | Mr. Stephen Ford, | Mr. Will. Carslake
XXI. | Divines | (Whose Names are Here-under Affixed) | Cleared, | Of the Unjust Criminations of Will. Penn; | In His | Pretended Jvst Rebuke for Their Epistle | to a Book, Entituled, Qvakerism No | Christianity. | And William Penn Proved Neither Christian, Nor | a Man of Common Modesty, Or Honesty. | The Names of the Divines Vindicated, | (three Columns) Dr. Tho. Manton, | Dr. Tho. Jacomb, | Dr. John Singleton, | Mr. Thomas Cole, | Mr. Tho. Doelittle, | Mr. Samuel Smith, | Mr. Ben. Needler, | | Mr. Richard Baxter, | Mr. Thomas Gouge, | Mr. John Yates, | Mr. John Sheffield, | Mr. Anth. Palmer, | Mr. Richard Mayo, | Mr. Andr. Parsons, | | Mr. Will. Jenkyn, | Mr. Geo. Griffith, | Mr. Matth. Barker, | Mr. Tho. Watson, | Mr. Will. Cooper, | Mr. Stephen Ford, | Mr. Will. Carslake
Thomas Manton, Thomas Cole, Richard Baxter, John Sheffield, Thomas Doolittle, Anthony Palmer, Andrew Parsons, Matthew Barker, Stephen Ford, Thomas Jacombe, Benjamin Needler, William Jenkyn, John Faldo, William Carslake (curate, Werrington, Devonshire, ejected.), William Cooper (minister, St. Olave's, Southwark), George Griffith (preacher, Charter house, silenced), Thomas Gouge (nonconformist, vicar of St. Sepulchre's, London), Richard Mayo, Samuel Smith (minister, Stamford Dingley, ejected 1662), John Singleton (nonconformist preacher, London, etc.), John Yates (nonconformist, Binsted, Hampshire.)
Thomas Manton, Thomas Cole, Richard Baxter, John Sheffield, Thomas Doolittle, Anthony Palmer, Andrew Parsons, Matthew Barker, Stephen Ford, Thomas Jacombe, Benjamin Needler, William Jenkyn, William Carslake (curate, Werrington, Devonshire, ejected.), William Cooper (minister, St. Olave's, Southwark), George Griffith (preacher, Charter house, silenced), Thomas Gouge (nonconformist, vicar of St. Sepulchre's, London), Richard Mayo, Samuel Smith (minister, Stamford Dingley, ejected 1662), John Singleton (nonconformist preacher, London, etc.), John Yates (nonconformist, Binsted, Hampshire.)
A | Just Rebuke | To | One & Twenty | Learned and Reverend | Divines | (So Called) | Being an Answer to an Abusive Epistle A- | Gainst the People Call'd Quakers, Subscrib'd by | Thomas Manton, Richard Baxter, Thomas Gouge, | Thomas Jacomb, William Cooper, William Jenkin, | John Yates, George Griffith, Thomas Watson, | John Sheffield, Matthew Barker, Benjamin Needler, | Anthony Palmer, John Singleton, William Carslake, | Thomas Cole, Andrew Parsons, Stephen Ford, | Thomas Doelittel, Richard Mayo, Samuel Smith
A | Just Rebuke | To | One & Twenty | Learned and Reverend | Divines | (So Called) | Being an Answer to an Abusive Epistle A- | Gainst the People Call'd Quakers, Subscrib'd by | Thomas Manton, Richard Baxter, Thomas Gouge, | Thomas Jacomb, William Cooper, William Jenkin, | John Yates, George Griffith, Thomas Watson, | John Sheffield, Matthew Barker, Benjamin Needler, | Anthony Palmer, John Singleton, William Carslake, | Thomas Cole, Andrew Parsons, Stephen Ford, | Thomas Doelittel, Richard Mayo, Samuel Smith
Thomas Manton, Thomas Cole, Richard Baxter, John Sheffield, Thomas Doolittle, Anthony Palmer, Andrew Parsons, Matthew Barker, Stephen Ford, Thomas Jacombe, Benjamin Needler, William Jenkyn, William Carslake (curate, Werrington, Devonshire, ejected.), William Cooper (minister, St. Olave's, Southwark), George Griffith (preacher, Charter house, silenced), Thomas Gouge (nonconformist, vicar of St. Sepulchre's, London), Richard Mayo, Samuel Smith (minister, Stamford Dingley, ejected 1662), John Singleton (nonconformist preacher, London, etc.), John Yates (nonconformist, Binsted, Hampshire.)