Roberta Allen


Roberta Allen is a conceptual artist and fiction writer. Her interest in language is the bridge that connects these separate pursuits. As a conceptual artist who combines images and text, she explores how language changes or informs our perception of images. Her works included drawings, artist books, photo/text works, installations, digital prints, and sculpture. Her works in the early 1970s were inspired by Kierkegaard’s belief that our deepest experiences occur in the form of contradictions and wherever there is contradiction humor is present. Through the 1970s, she exhibited alongside Sol LeWitt, Robert Ryman and Carl Andre, among others, at John Weber Gallery in New York. In her writing, which includes, among other books, three micro and short story collections, a novel, a novella and a travel memoir, Allen questions the way we perceive the world and the self. Truths are relative and may change in a flash. The way our minds work and specifically the act of relating is her main subject. She presents disturbing views of the human scene which are often relieved by humor.


Dennis Barone, Stephen Dixon, Carl Rollyson, Eugénio de Andrade, Edwin Honig, Kate Light, Elisabeth Stevens, Albert Russo, Nahid Rachlin, Sarah Ruden, Roberta Allen, Gerald Williams, Barry Targan, Carol Miller, Robert Donald Spector, Kevin Prufer, Brenda S. Webster, Emil Draitser, Martin Tucker, Wendell Mayo, Edward F. Stanton, Johanna Garfield, Jay Rogoff, Alexandru Mușina, Steven Sher, D. H. Melhem, Nancy Barron, David Margolis, Edmund Pennant, Sylvia de Swaan, Leslie Schenk, Alexandra Shelley, Waithira Mbuthia, Margaret McClary Abdul, Deloris H. Netzband, Janset Berkok Shami, Maria T. Von Waldow, Nat Lehrman, Jolene Goldenthal, Hilde Jaeckel, Gary Kraut, Carson H. Wu, Karen Wunsch, Marian Pierce, Rachel Carpenter, Linda Kinnard Harris, Frances Maclean, Dennis Pahl, Peter Baida, Siv Cedering, Lara JK Wilson, Georgia Shreve, Marguerite Bouvard, Philip Corwin, Janet Kaplan, David Winwood, Aleksandr Sokolov, Cornel Adam Lengyel, Martha Zweig
A Literary Journal of Long Island University
Dennis Barone, Stephen Dixon, Carl Rollyson, Eugénio de Andrade, Edwin Honig, Kate Light, Elisabeth Stevens, Albert Russo, Nahid Rachlin, Sarah Ruden, Roberta Allen, Gerald Williams, Barry Targan, Carol Miller, Robert Donald Spector, Kevin Prufer, Brenda S. Webster, Emil Draitser, Martin Tucker, Wendell Mayo, Edward F. Stanton, Johanna Garfield, Jay Rogoff, Alexandru Mușina, Steven Sher, D. H. Melhem, Nancy Barron, David Margolis, Edmund Pennant, Sylvia de Swaan, Leslie Schenk, Alexandra Shelley, Waithira Mbuthia, Margaret McClary Abdul, Deloris H. Netzband, Janset Berkok Shami, Maria T. Von Waldow, Nat Lehrman, Jolene Goldenthal, Hilde Jaeckel, Gary Kraut, Carson H. Wu, Karen Wunsch, Marian Pierce, Rachel Carpenter, Linda Kinnard Harris, Frances Maclean, Dennis Pahl, Peter Baida, Siv Cedering, Lara JK Wilson, Georgia Shreve, Marguerite Bouvard, Philip Corwin, Janet Kaplan, David Winwood, Aleksandr Sokolov, Cornel Adam Lengyel, Martha Zweig