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Tony D. Sampson


Tony D. Sampson is a British academic author who writes about philosophies of media technology, design thinking, social and immersive user experiences and neurocultures. He has published extensively on digital media cultures, social contagion theory, neurocultures, affect philosophy, assemblage theory and social media. He is best known for his widely cited and debated academic publications on virality, network contagion and neuroculture. This work is influenced by the 19th century French sociologist, Gabriel Tarde and concerns contemporary analyses of viral phenomena and affective and emotional contagion on the Internet. In 2017 Sampson published The Assemblage Brain, a book about the culture of the affective brain explored through digital media, the neurosciences, business, cybernetics and political power. His most recent publication, A Sleepwalker's Guide to Social Media, draws on contagion theory to explore the power dynamic of a post-Cambridge Analytica social media environment.