13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl

Вирішила нарешті почати давати чесні оцінки, навіть якщо мені це не дуже приємно, тому ставлю чесні 3 🌟. Я дуже, дуже люблю “Bunny” цієї авторки, яку я проковтнула з надзвичайним задоволенням, але що стосується “13 ways…”, то, на жаль, я такого сказати не можу. Все ще чудовий стиль оповіді, цікава ідея, але щось пішло не так. В цілому, прочитати раджу, вона непогана, проте виявилась не моєю.

fuck. i think itsy-bitsy, the word "yummy," and liz's quinoa and sprouts might live in my mind rent-free forever.

if you get it you get it if you dont you dont if you know you know, you know?

This book gutted me. So much of it was hard to read and it makes you want to look away from the unhappiness that's there, the unhappiness that you know when you are constantly told your body is too much and not enough and the way others (and then you) relate to it seems distant and foreign. Things about this book were uneven but it creates a real feeling of loneliness and mistrust for your own physical self that is too common. It broke my heart at so many points. Lizzie's mom was so much like my mom, in pain and self soothing and trying so hard to live vicariously through her daughter, not even realizing the way she is making it apparent that her love is very conditional. It is eerie and dead on.

I don’t honestly know how to feel about this book. I obviously get why people would hate this book with the fire of a thousand suns. But I found the harshness to be refreshing. It is sadly reality. It took my way longer than I want to admit to understand the title of this book and how it works within the actual book. So if you are like me... this book is written in 13 ways of looking at a fat girl. Her at different times in her life. Parents seeing her, boyfriends/lovers/husbands. Strangers, friends, enemy’s etc. I see myself re reading again in the future very thoughtful.

I can totally see why people don't like this. It's confronting and awful and some of these people are so easy to hate. But it's well written and evocative. Just because you don't like the content doesn't make it a bad book.

Quick read, but I didn't really enjoy it. It was a struggle to get through the last 20 pages, especially since the self hatred Lizzie-Beth-Elizabeth-Liz had for herself was nearly palpable. It was uncomfortable, but maybe that was the point?