99 Percent Mine A Novel

it’s giving 2010s cw

Edit; I've lowered my rating its been two days I only remember the parts I didn't like no positives soo its sucks. I read cause I liked The Hating Game and love the brothers best friend trope but did not like. Okay I finished at night and couldn't formulate an opinion however I have now. Okay so one word and emoji encases how I feel about it 'Ehhh 🤷♀️'. I read this cause it has the brothers best friend trope (one of my favourite tropes like ever) but like i'm supposed to root for the relationship but ehhh. Like I didn't care but any of them I'm sad I wasn't crazy about it.

This book was NOTHING like I was expecting. I’m having a hard time reconciling my feelings towards, because I both loved and hated it. The characters were morally grey (at best), and really hard to cheer for a lot of the time (ESPECIALLY Jaime).

Ugh... I can’t believe this was written by the same author as The Hating Game.

Such an unlikeable character and I’m slightly scared of her and Jamie because why are they treating Tom like an actual object? The whole 1%, 2%, etc. was a cute concept in theory and then you realize she actually wants 100% of him only for her and no one else…. And Tom isn’t even that great because his “secretly in love with her” thing just made him out to be a bit of an asshole. Especially the whole fireplace thing ummmm gaslight much????

I love romance and everything, this one is definitely a I wish I was her book. My only problem with it is that things didn’t even start happening till the last two chapters! Like the entire book is you just waiting for the inevitable to happen, but then you sit disappointed in the last chapter. Definitely was wishing more for this book but I did like the ending romance, just not the 300 pages of suspense you had to go through just to get 4 pages worth of romance.

I thought this would be a lovely read, given Thorne’s amazing debut, alas, it was a miserable disappointment. The characters were contrived, the plot twists forced and the narration hammy. It was painful to read this rather unbelievable ‘romance’.

Pretty decent read I enjoyed it for the most part. Patty carried the whole book, argue with your wall. They had some good chemistry as well I guess.

wow tom. tom valeska. mr. thomas valeska u frickin bish i love youuuUuUuUU fudge what the fudge- fudgeicles wow really what a man im crying u guys :((( he is just beautiful inside out and uhm he’s 6’6” what the fudge he’s a softie u guys so prepare your hearts 🚨 ⚠️ :((( self-deprecating!Darcy made me cry u guys bc i related to that side of her. (and being a self-deprecating person kinda have this behavior that can be annoying to some people esp if u dont love them),,, she is not the usual heroine where everything about her is likable which makes her such an interesting character and as you get to know her, you can see that she does have admirable traits,,, you just gotta get to know and love her and jamie mygoodness i was annoyed at him first and im pretty sure darcy felt the same that’s what siblings do i guess annoy each other. Jamie and darcy’s relationship is really what having a sibling is like i mean also have a brother so i completely understand how they pretty much interact,,,, (and uhm my brother also has a middle name just like jamie and im the same with darcy not having a middle name?! im- mygoodness i totally feel darcy feeling that her twin does things better than her im- hard same sis) they clash most of the time but deep inside they love each other and they show it in their own way, in way that isn’t really obvious,,, i also love their character development individually and as twins aweee i also love truly mygoodness she’s such a great friend i love her friendship with darcy my fave scenes: -when tom calls darcy ‘DB’ or ‘darce’ my heart frickin leaps y’all :((( -drinking coffee scene !!!!?!!! *screeches into the void* -adjusting the tank strap scene ???!?! and it happened thrice. thrice. are u kidding me ???! 😩🤧 -the photoshoot scene u guys ???!!?! -the doctor’s appointment scene ???!?! ohmygoodness :((( (im deceased guys. im dead.) the THG epilogue is so precious and of course i cried my eyes out :((( wow this is last book of the month, my 11th book to be exact, wow way to end my month this book sooooo gooood u guys im still crying :(((

Maybe it's because The hating Game made my expectations to high but this book was not it. The whole story just felt weird? I liked the premise of the story and at the beginning it was really interesting, however I found the heroine a bit immature, and the way she was around her love interest was just... strange. As for the hero I didn't connect to him at all.

I liked the end.. That's about all.

I was reading it and thought I’d hate it but ended up loving it. The tension was everything there were some bits I was like what is happening and that’s a bit harsh but overall was a better book than the hating game to me <3

I really didn't like this book, and almost didn't finish it, something I very rarely do. I was expecting it to get better in the end, but I just didn't connect with this book. I'm not comparing this book to "The hating game", but to me it doesn't even look like it was written be the same person.

Tiring and confusing

he is the sweetest

I loved it! 4.5 stars Darcy and Tom were meant to be and it took a lot for it to be realized but it was worth it. 1st time reading Sally Thorne and it was enjoyable. This book touched all my emotions and for me that’s a great book.


Meh. This was kind of disappointing. I really enjoyed the author’s first book, The Hating Game. The dialogue was sharp, the character development good, the enemy-to-lovers trope well-paced and well executed. This one had a good premise, with the childhood-friends-to-lovers trope instead. The dialogue was pretty good here too, but everything else kind of fell apart: the MC was not just grumpy, but extremely abrasive, obnoxious, and devoid of any social graces, but in an extreme, unlikeable, unrelatable way. Like, have you EVER talked to any humans, ever? I love the pairing of the grump and the sweetheart, but this is something else and it isn’t charming TBH. Darcy isn’t quite one-dimensional, but she isn’t well fleshed-out either, and neither are the other characters: Darcy is the abrasive one, Jamie is the control freak, Tom is the sweet guy, Truly is the token fat girl best friend. Honestly. There is no change at all in any of them except for a turnaround so out of character for the MC that it made me roll my eyes. The story and character development doesn’t make sense, either: it’s a contrived slow-burn, with a weird development that gets very far very fast and very often and then is purposely held back. It’s just so weird. The characters’ dynamic is supposed to justify it but it still feels very unnatural and contrived. Pity. 2 1/2 STARS

Ugh...Jamie is an idiot. Okay, now that I've said that, I can talk about the book. Darcy and Tom's relationship could give you whiplash. One minute they're so flirtatious it can rock your heart but then the next...ice. I liked their dynamic though, how protective they both are of each other, in the ways that only each of them are capable of being. I wished that (view spoiler)[Jamie wasn't so much of a douche to Darcy through pretty much the entire book. But, I did like seeing him vulnerable when he thought Tom wasn't coming back, or that he would be cut out of the group. There needed to be more of that. For sure. (hide spoiler)]. I'm also just noticing the day that I finished reading this one. I wonder if that had anything to do with my rating. I'm such a sap.

i loved the hating game and second first impressions with all my heart but the writing style and dialogue gave me such a bad headache i couldn’t read more than 5 pages at a time. is he an actual wolf???? i do not understand

** spoiler alert ** This is another really late one so bare with me through this very low-detailed review... ngl Darcy annoyed the crap out of me. SHE WAS SO ANNOYING!! I'm learning that I'm very hypocritical when it comes to reading because whenever someone does have their crap together I automatically don't like them very much. That entire time I was like Darcy just take ur dang medicine, start photographing, and get over Tom. But I prob shouldn't be judging someone who doesn't have their life together when I don't take any of my EOE medicine, have no motivation during this school semester, and am hopelessly obsessed with fictional characters that aren't real. Overlooking my hypocrisy tho... Darcy annoyed me. She hurt Tom SO MUCH throughout their friendship. She used him, put WAY too much pressure on him, and put him in the middle of her and Jamie's feud. I don't even know why Tom puts up with them too. They treat him like crap. Okay and now overlooking that fact... when Tom and Darcy admitted their feelings for each other ughhhhhh it was the cutest, hottest thing ever. I LOVE THEM TOGETHER... and literally the only reason for that is because it makes Tom so happy, not because of Darcy at all, I could care less abt her feelings. OH MY GOSH and why is every one getting weird chihuahuas recently??? My last book had a chihuahua and I DON'T GET IT!!

** spoiler alert ** Çok güzeldi ama biraz +18’di. Tom valeska 🤍

I won an ARC through the Famethrower Facebook group and I was unbelievably happy. I loved the Hating Game with my whole heart and 99 percent mine did not disappoint. The characterization was amazing and realistic. The characters were flawed in the most endearing and realistic way. The plot was amazing and perfect. Darcy and Tom were so charming. Their flirting had me blushing and giggling. Everything about their relationship had me aching for my own Tom. Sally can write lines that floor you. This story drew me in and captivated. I loved this so much and can’t wait for Sally’s next work.

I can't decide if I enjoyed this or The Hating Game more! The snarky dialogue and rich characterization makes this such a fun read.