A Husband's Regret

Copy received from Montlake Romance via NetGalley in exchange for honest review. ********** Have to be honest, something about this book just did not grab me! I wanted to love it. I was in the mood for something that would make my heart hurt as a couple found their way back to each other. However, I was left wanting more. More from what actually separated them. (The whole misunderstanding that leads to them not talking for two years!) I just felt like everything could have been resolved much sooner! Bryce discovers the "truth" about that happens about 46% in. And I was thinking, what are they going to fill up the rest of the book with!? I liked how the "flashbacks" were done. I loved the dual POVs. But the last 60% just dragged a bit for me! I was almost shouting at my kindle for them to just talk! The last half, I started to find Bryce a more sympathetic character. His pain and internal hatred was so clear and came across so well. The daughter, Kayla, I struggled to believe she was meant to be only 18 months old! Maybe that is bitternesses on my part though as the best my child did at that age was lick a slug! But, she came across more like a three year old at times! Was a bit jarring. So, while, it did what I wanted, and made my heart hurt in the first 50% or so, I was over that in the latter half and filled with frustration that it was being dragged out and they could not communicate! But, the last 10% was lovely. So, all in a decent 3 stars for me, but I was left feeling a bit flat at the end. I would read more from this author, but it is not a "Must go and buy everything they have written" way.