A Month in the Country
In the summer of 1920 two men, both war survivors meet in the quiet English countryside. One is living in the church, intent upon uncovering and restoring an historical wall painting while the other camps in the next field in search of a lost grave.Out of their meeting comes a deeper communion and a catching up of the old primeval rhythms of life so cruelly disorientated by the Great War.
karissa @kitten
Viktoria A@viktoriaslibrary
Conor O'Driscoll@odrscll
Hogne @nostalgiaforsomething
Jeremy Boyd@jboydsplit
anika aberle @1aniaberle1
Jenny Ramsay@jenny
Mat Connor@mconnor
Ditipriya Acharya@diti
Louise Briley @loub
anika aberle @1aniaberle1
Will Vunderink@willvunderink
Rustė Tervydytė@ruste
Aaron McCollough@rondollah
Brendan M@elysium
Sian Wadey@sianwadeykerr
Deborah Meades@debeth
Moray Lyle McIntosh@bookish_arcadia
Nicole Lucy O'Loughlin@narrpip
Jessica Lord@jlord