
Truly Gothic. My teacher kinda spoiled it for me but it was still cHiLLiNg. Not like, scary, but whoa. Gives you the creeps. You finish feeling unnerved.


I read this book for class; it was a rather interesting read. It was pretty creepy, and at times was a little confusing. All in all it was a pretty intriguing story

An untimely classic about life, death and love.

*Read for class. First of all, gotta say, racial slurs bugged me A LOT. But as far as I could understand from reading about Faulkner, he was against segregation. So the slurs were only there to represent the time and the South of that time. I hope I got it right, please, correct me if I'm wrong, I really want to know! As for the story itself, I liked it. The structure was non-linear, which made it unusual, and the ending was if not shocking then at least very interesting. It leaves readers to guess whether Emily was mentally ill for real after being under her father's controll her whole life, or if it was all a big metaphor of not letting go of the past and living by the old rules. Overall I've enjoyed it and am looking forward to translating and discussing this short-story in class.