A Torch Against the Night
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A Torch Against the Night

Sabaa Tahir2016
THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER One of Time Magazine’s 100 Best Fantasy Books of All Time Book two in the New York Times bestselling series A USA Today bestseller A Wall Street Journal bestseller “Spectacular.”—Entertainment Weekly “Fresh and exciting...Tahir has shown a remarkable talent for penning complex villains.”—A.V. Club "Even higher stakes than its predecessor… thrilling." —Publishers Weekly, starred review “[An] action-packed, breathlessly paced story.” —Booklist, starred review Set in a rich, high-fantasy world inspired by ancient Rome, Sabaa Tahir's AN EMBER IN THE ASHES told the story of Laia, a slave fighting for her family, and Elias, a young soldier fighting for his freedom. Now, in A TORCH AGAINST THE NIGHT, Elias and Laia are running for their lives. After the events of the Fourth Trial, Martial soldiers hunt the two fugitives as they flee the city of Serra and undertake a perilous journey through the heart of the Empire. Laia is determined to break into Kauf—the Empire’s most secure and dangerous prison—to save her brother, who is the key to the Scholars' survival. And Elias is determined to help Laia succeed, even if it means giving up his last chance at freedom. But dark forces, human and otherworldly, work against Laia and Elias. The pair must fight every step of the way to outsmart their enemies: the bloodthirsty Emperor Marcus, the merciless Commandant, the sadistic Warden of Kauf, and, most heartbreaking of all, Helene—Elias’s former friend and the Empire’s newest Blood Shrike. Bound to Marcus's will, Helene faces a torturous mission of her own—one that might destroy her: find the traitor Elias Veturius and the Scholar slave who helped him escape...and kill them both.
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Photo of hana
4 stars
Dec 26, 2024

i find it a bit boring than the first one. releasing one person from prison needn’t that much pages i think. for more than a half of the book we saw two different perspectives at the same PLACE, during the same TIME and with the same CONDITION. it slowed down the pace and it bored me to death. i just speed reading most of elias’s and laia’s pov because i don’t think the plot going anywhere in their povs. and helene, the tiny amount of her pov is a CRIME. it is the only part that excites me. i want to know more of her story, i want to see her development as a person as well as a shrike, even if it means she has to suffer. i’m not afraid for her because i know that helene aquilla will not falter. she understands her duty and she sets her priority right.

“There is more to this life than love, Helene Aquilla. There is duty. Empire. Family. Gens. The men you lead. The promises you make. Your father knows this. So will you, before the end.”

4 stars for the bravest, the strongest, the smartest, the most loyal, my beloved helene aquilla, and there is laia and elias ig.

Photo of Ellen Ivey
Ellen Ivey@ellen_ivey
4 stars
May 19, 2024

Such a great sequel!

Photo of loisesya
4 stars
May 5, 2024


Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
5 stars
Feb 14, 2024

WOOOOOOW I AM HOOKED I AM ADDICTED. This series has officially taken over my life at the moment. I IMMEDIATELY ran out and bought newest one because I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS RIGHT NOW. Obsessed. In love.

Photo of Haleema
Haleema @bakery
5 stars
Feb 3, 2024

Literally just read it coz PLOT TWIST.

Photo of Izzy
4 stars
Jan 8, 2024

okay so Spoiler laia sleeping with the nightbringer is still so dsfdfsdfhds

Photo of Annabella
4 stars
Jul 6, 2023

Okay, two things:

I Didn't see that coming and


Photo of Vicky (A City Girl's Thoughts)
Vicky (A City Girl's Thoughts)@acitygirlsthoughts
5 stars
May 16, 2023

There are books that are labelled thrillers who fall short of their genre, but Sabaa Tahir's sequel to An Ember in the Ashes not only fits perfectly into this genre, she injects an adrenaline-fuelled storyline that interweaves like a smooth-flowing liquid into both storylines: Helene's hunt for Elias (the Commandant's son who was sentenced to death for refusing to kill Laia, a slave accused of spying for the rebels) and Elias' plot to evade his captors whilst working with Laia to free her brother from the Empire's main prison. We pick up right where we left off as Elias Veturius and Laia escape Blackcliff and try to head to Kauf, the prison where Darin, Laia's brother, is held. Helene, now Blood Shrike, is ordered by Emperor Marcus Farrar to bring Elias back so he can be publicly executed. Upset and confused - she doesn't want to kill him because she loves him - she tries to avoid catching him. Meanwhile, Elias and Laia's plans have to be revised after Elias is poisoned. Desperate to get to Kauf as soon as possible, she, along with Izzi (the Commandant's slave) and Keenan (one of the rebels), work to help Elias while seeking out more help. As their plan progresses, their enemies - both human and creature - throw obstacles in their way which not only tests their physical strength but causes them to doubt whether they're fighting for the right cause(s). Tahir incorporates Arabic supernatural elements into this story, such as jinn (spirits [not angels] who can appear in human and/or animal form to possess other humans), fey (mortal fairy?), and ifrits (female devils). These creatures were around since the last novel, so their presence isn't surprising (except for one.) Tahir also doesn't hold back on the violence and bloodshed, which kind of surprised me, since this series is for teens. If you've read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, you'll find similarities between both series, but when it comes to the war scenes Collins held back from writing explicitly violent details while Tahir does the opposite. Tahir also doesn't write death out of the way; her characters have to face this and understand it's inevitable during war. Some authors - when it comes to a war novel - will avoid having the good characters die and leave out as much detail regarding the fight(s), trauma, disease, poverty, and bloodshed that occur, but Tahir will write all of that (specifically the amount of bloodshed, poverty, and - to a lesser extent - trauma) in vivid detail. Women and men are equally responsible for horrific crimes committed throughout this story, and yes, there's a - as I call it - "love square" (not triangle, that's completely overdone throughout the history of romance novels!) All in all, I was immediately hooked from the beginning and couldn't put it down (I eventually had to take a hiatus due to life 😂). The tone is darker than the last book, which felt a little depressing at certain parts, but I felt as if I was there with Laia, Helene, and Elias as they fought for their life and the future of their Empire, which shows how good Tahir is with words! Definitely five stars!

Photo of myra musick
myra musick@moonchild101001

i need this book tattooed in my brain

Photo of Marchelle
3 stars
Oct 18, 2022

3.5/5 Rating. "Failure doesn’t define you. It’s what you do after you fail that determines whether you are a leader or a waste of perfectly good air.

Photo of Kimmy Hobden
Kimmy Hobden@kimmyhobden
5 stars
Oct 12, 2022


Photo of Carolina Mendes
Carolina Mendes@carolentrehistorias
5 stars
Aug 30, 2022

This book is just WOW WOW WOW! I’m absolutely spechless right now. WHAT WAS THIS??! OH MA GAWD! It checks every box with a five star: - plot - absolutely marvelous and well thought and delivered! Th story is absolutely beautiful, complex but not to much - if it makes sense - and it was so well put together! Never a dull moment in this book, not a single random thing - everything was right were it should be and made sense later on! SO PERFECT 😮‍💨 -characters- so much growth on the main characters! All the characters so complex, with their one stories and problems/evolution to deal with. ALSO the intensity and deepness of some characters and their thoughts- absolutely SMASHED BY IT 🤌🏻 - world building - SPOT ON!! In the first one we get a glimpse of the fantasy world but in this one IT EXPLODES! AND IT’S AMAZINGGGGG! 🥺 - plot twists after plot twists after plot twists!! At some point I lost track at how many times my mouth went straight to the floor AND I LIVED FOR IT 🥵 - writing - Sabaa really knows how to do it with SUCH A INTENSE AND UNIQUENESS WAY!! The way she tells this story is- I CAN’T EVEN! But the one thing made me really AHHHH is the way she writes characters and makes them ALIVE! I was emotional every time Elias spoke… and the last few chapters OMG! The angst, the tension, THE WAY I COULDN’T PUT THE BOOK DOWN!!! And the END (aka cliffhanger)- I CRIED!! Cause it was so simple yet so beautiful 😭😭 CAN’T WAIT TO MOVE ON TO THE NEXT ONE!!! ALSO in the beginning I was really annoyed at Hel’s POVs but in the last few chapters she really really REALLY CONQUERED MY HEART! AND AVITAS- OH MY GOD I WASN’T EXPECTING THAT and i think I’m gonna love this character in the future books 🤭 OH AND I SHIP IT ALL THE FREAKING WAYYYYYY 🥲 I REALLY CAN’T SAY ENOUGH TO MAKE IT UP TO HOW GOOD THIS BOOK IS!! Read it. Please.

Photo of Léa
3 stars
Aug 25, 2022

3,5/5 J’ai très peu été emballé par cette suite. En fait je l’ai trouvé trop longue, il ne se passe rien pendant un moment et le peu d’actions qui se passent sont trop rapides je trouve. J’ai aimé suivre les personnages mais j’admets ne pas m’être énormément attaché à eux finalement… J’ai par contre, adoré l’aspect politique que prend l’intrigue, le développement du personnage d’Hélène a été un régal. Et puis bon, CE CLIFFHANGER DE MALADE ? Je ne m’y attendais ABSOLUMENT PAS !!! Je lirai la suite c’est sur mais c’est dommage, si cert aspects étaient mieux exploités ce serait un coup de coeur parce que l’univers et l’histoire ont un potentiel énorme !

Photo of sam
4 stars
Aug 15, 2022

i loved this but the amount of times the word "skies" was used makes me want to jump off a cliff

Photo of june
3 stars
Aug 14, 2022


Photo of catia
5 stars
Aug 14, 2022

** spoiler alert ** "You're the girl who razed Blackcliff and liberated Kauf. Laia of Serra. The ember waiting to burn down the Empire." Sabaa Tahir did it again! This one even better than the first, can't wait to keep reading this fantastic, fascinating and amazing story! And gosh how much i love Elias Veturius!

Photo of Dinah De Vries
Dinah De Vries@dinahdevries
4.5 stars
May 4, 2022

This book was even more suspenseful than the first one. The things that are uncovered here were page turning. Eventually there were some very important plot points and revelations that Tahir had written very well, and were building up from the start of the first book of the series. The beautiful lines coming from this book truly touch me. I can't wait to start the next book!

Photo of Ipshita Kanungo
Ipshita Kanungo@ipshita
3.5 stars
Feb 19, 2022

Heavy af. Going to leave me scarred for days, until I begin the next one. Keeping the depressing note aside, i really liked it. Don't want to use the word "enjoyed" coz well, everyone's dying & shit but the book's real good. Plot & world building is amazing, characters are well, they fit the stereotypical fantasy characters but still feel real & alive & good. Some of the side characters are my favourite. Definitely doesn't disappoint. There were things I didn't see coming. Then there were things I did see coming, but still devoured every bit. A lot of chapters, big book it is, but never does it get slow or boring. There's something always happening (most of the times it's death but ok). I am so pumped for the third one.

Photo of Lainie Stuart
Lainie Stuart@lainiereads
5 stars
Feb 15, 2022

OOPS I forgot to post my review a few days ago! SO GOOD!!! very painful though-ow. I really love the continued character devlopment that is going on in this series. Laia has become so much stronger already, but she still has an internal struggle that I look forward to seeing her overcome as the series continues. I know people love Helene and like,, I get that she isn't a truly bad person and I don't HATE her, but I'm still waiting for something to make me actually like her. I'm sure she will probably be more lovable in the next one, and I am all for a flawed character, but I just don't really get it yet. Elias has only gotten better, oh my god I LOVE HIM!!! He is just such a good person that even when he does annoying things, he is still great. You always know that he is going to feel remorse for the bad things he has done, and he will try to make it right however he can. I had absolutely no idea what plot twists were ahead of me as I read this book, and I was constantly being shocked by everything! Sabaa Tahir has that perfect way of storybuilding that makes you want to immediately reread everything to see all of the hints that you missed. I also really love Tahir's writing because she is able to constantly keep the reader hooked. At times, I caught myself seriously reflecting on what I had read hours before, and I just wanted to pick up the book again and again. This is especially impressive given how depressing this series can be. I don't usually look forward to reading things that I know will be painful, so the fact that this book is able to make me excited to read more is crazy. I am scared for the pain to come, but obviously I have to keep reading, I just love these characters so much :')

Photo of Yi Yaw
Yi Yaw@yilovesreading
5 stars
Jan 24, 2022


Photo of Joel J Hamill
Joel J Hamill@joelhamill
4 stars
Jan 19, 2022

The overall story of the series is moving along quickly. We're learning more and more about the main characters. I'm enjoying their growth and story arcs. The books continue to be fast pace and well written.

Photo of Lila Harrison
Lila Harrison@hardcoverhaven
5 stars
Jan 10, 2022

I'M SO HEARTBROKEN AND NOW I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL SOMETIME IN 2018 TO GET THE SEQUEL????!!!! GRRRRRRRRR!!!! NOTES: -This book broke my heart into a million pieces in so many ways -Elias is my precious son!!! -Helene is my darling! -Laia gets waaaaaaay more credit than she deserves at the end -I jumped ship from Elaia and I'm now fully on board the Helias ship! (view spoiler)[-That being said, I'm pretty sure Helias is not going to sail and it absolutely breaks my heart (hide spoiler)] (view spoiler)[-I can't wait to see Helene get her revenge on Marcus and The Commandant--it's gonna be glorious (hide spoiler)] (view spoiler)[-#BringBackEliasFromBeingTheSoulCatcher (hide spoiler)]

Photo of Caitlin
5 stars
Jan 2, 2022

Skies, I love this series so damn much. I want to live in this world forever with Elias, with Laia, with everyone. The politics stay heightened and interesting, the supernatural and the lore are diving deeper and deeper, and god, these characters are just SO WELL WRITTEN. I love every page.

Photo of Tatiana
Tatiana @she_who_reads_ya_books
4 stars
Dec 18, 2021

4.25 ⭐️ Is living a curse? Or a gift? POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR BOOK 1 After the events of the Fourth Trial, Martial soldiers hunt the two fugitives as they flee the city of Serra and undertake a perilous journey through the heart of the Empire. Laia is determined to break into Kauf--the Empire's most secure and dangerous prison--to save her brother, who is the key to the Scholars' survival. And Elias is determined to help Laia succeed, even if it means giving up his last chance at freedom. But dark forces, human and otherworldly, work against Laia and Elias. The pair must fight every step of the way to outsmart their enemies: the bloodthirsty Emperor Marcus, the merciless Commandant, the sadistic Warden of Kauf, and, most heartbreaking of all, Helene--Elias's former friend and the Empire's newest Blood Shrike. Bound to Marcus's will, Helene faces a torturous mission of her own--one that might destroy her: find the traitor Elias Veturius and the Scholar slave who helped him escape...and kill them both. Another quick review because this is easier for long series. Overall: Enjoyed it more than the first book. Was more exciting and just enjoyed it. Characters: Laia: so much more interesting, and character development is amazing. Glad we can see her grow. Elias: my boy. My sweet boy. That’s it. I love him. Helene: our goddess. My saint. I love her so much. She is a goddess and nobody dare say anything against her. Cook: ik ik they aren’t a main but I love the cook so much. World building: gorgeous and original (keeping this bc it was perfect) Ending: nice clean ending, am excited for the next one. Other notes: enjoyed this one more than the first one… feel like the author improved a lot.



Photo of Elena M.
Elena M.@readingella

Failure doesn’t define you. It’s what you do after you fail that determines whether you are a leader or a waste of perfectly good air.

Photo of Dinah De Vries
Dinah De Vries@dinahdevries

"You always think everyone is your responsibility...We're our own people, and we deserve to make our own decisions." - Izzi Afya's strident assertion sounds in my head: You shouldn't just leave, Elias. You should ask Laia what she wants. Laia's angry pleadings: You close yourself up. You shut me out because you don't want me to get close. What about what I want? 'Sometimes,' Izzi had said, 'loneliness is a choice.'"

Page 374

Elias character flaw revelation

Photo of Dinah De Vries
Dinah De Vries@dinahdevries

"'Give me your guilt. I'll hold on to it for you, all right?'"

Page 305


Photo of Dinah De Vries
Dinah De Vries@dinahdevries

"'Are we fools?' I want to ask. 'For finding comfort in the midst of such madness?'"

Page 305

Laia after sleeping with Keenan

Photo of Dinah De Vries
Dinah De Vries@dinahdevries

"'Most people,' Cain says, 'are nothing but glimmers in the great darkness of time. But you, Helene Aquilla, are no swift-burning spark. You are a torch against the night - if you dare to let yourself burn.'"

Page 267

Augur Cain

Photo of Dinah De Vries
Dinah De Vries@dinahdevries

"He's dying. He knows it. Perhaps life does not get more lonely than that."

Page 171

Laia about Elias

Photo of Dinah De Vries
Dinah De Vries@dinahdevries

"Pops used to say that standing by someone during their darkest times creates a bond. A sense of obligation that is less a weight and more a gift. I feel tied to Elias now. I do not want him to shut me out."

Page 105


Photo of Dinah De Vries
Dinah De Vries@dinahdevries

"I take Laia's hands in mine. Cool. Strong. I would keep them here, kiss every callus on her palms, nibble the inside of her wrist so she gasped. I would pull her closer and see if she too wished to give in to the fire that burns between us."

Page 93

Elias after Laia killing Shikaat

Photo of Dinah De Vries
Dinah De Vries@dinahdevries

"'I'm the Soul Catcher, Elias. I deal with the dead. And death has claimed you -there.' She taps my arm, exactly where the Commandant's star cut me."

Page 56

Elias in his seizures

Photo of Dinah De Vries
Dinah De Vries@dinahdevries

"Damn my heart to the hells. My heart is what landed me here in the first place."

Page 30

Helene being interrogated

Photo of Ipshita Kanungo
Ipshita Kanungo@ipshita

Have you ever heard a story of an adventurer with a sane plan?” “Well . . . no.” “And why do you think that is?” I am at a loss. “Because . . . ah, because—” She chuckles again. “Because sane plans never work, girl,” she says. “Only the mad ones do.”

Photo of Ipshita Kanungo
Ipshita Kanungo@ipshita

Except for one. She fights, shoving at the auxes who have grabbed her arms, fearless in her defiance. Mamie Rila. Uselessly, I watch her struggle, watch a legionnaire bring the hilt of his scim down on the side of her head. The last thing I see before she disappears from sight is her hands fluttering for purchase as she falls to the sands.

Omg am crying....y is this book wrecking the heck out of me I can't understand

Photo of Ipshita Kanungo
Ipshita Kanungo@ipshita

Which reminds me.” She tilts her head. “The girl—Laia. Don’t touch her. If any harm comes to her, no force in this land will stop me from gutting you. Slowly.” With that, she is moving again. I leap up and unsheathe my blade. Too late. The woman is through the open window and scuttling away across the rooftops. But not before I catch sight of her face—hardened by hatred, mangled beyond belief, and instantly recognizable. The Commandant’s slave. The one who is supposed to be dead. The one everyone called Cook.

WOAH. The cook's a badass. I want to know all about her

Photo of Ipshita Kanungo
Ipshita Kanungo@ipshita

“Then sit tight. If I survive, I’ll come back for you,” Elias says. “If not, you’ll need to get out of here.” “Elias, you idiot, I need you if I want to get Darin—” He puts a finger on my lips, drawing my gaze to his.

Just few lines ago, she was thinking about Keenan, & now she's staring into Elias & i can't help but fall in love with both, like her. Ugh love

Photo of anna ˖*°࿐
anna ˖*°࿐@annofthebooks

“This is a bad idea,” he murmurs. We’re so close that I can see a long eyelash that’s landed on his cheek. I can see the hints of blue in his hair. “Then why aren’t you stopping it?” “Because I’m a fool.” We breathe each other’s breath, and as his body relaxes, as his hands finally slide around my back, I close my eyes.

*bad idea from waitress starts playing covering a girl's squeaks and swoons and cries of joy*

Photo of anna ˖*°࿐
anna ˖*°࿐@annofthebooks

“But you, Helene Aquilla, are no swift-burning spark. You are a torch against the night––if you dare to let yourself burn.”

for some reason this quote always makes me cry

Photo of anna ˖*°࿐
anna ˖*°࿐@annofthebooks

"Elias and Laia are each other’s countermelodies. I am just a dissonant note."

*cries in third wheel*

Photo of anna ˖*°࿐
anna ˖*°࿐@annofthebooks

Laia is curled in a ball on the other, one hand on her armlet, fast asleep. "You are my temple", I murmur as I knee beside her. "You are my priest. You are my prayer. You are my release."

YOU ARE MY TEMPLE YOU ARE MY PRIEST YOU ARE MY PRAYER aka le mie wedding vows idc idc

Photo of anna ˖*°࿐
anna ˖*°࿐@annofthebooks

“Don't lock yourself away from those who care about you because you think you'll hurt them or they'll hurt you. What point is there in being human if you don't let yourself feel anything?”


Photo of Samantha Jackson
Samantha Jackson@rogue91

Because sane plans never work, girl. Only the mad ones do.

Page 388
Photo of Samantha Jackson
Samantha Jackson@rogue91

Failure doesn't define you. It's what you do after you fail that determines whether you are a leader or a waste of perfectly good air.

Page 387
Photo of Matilda Stener
Matilda Stener@matilda_na

"Skies," Afya says. "I thought you told me you loved stories. Have you ever heard a story of an adventurer with a sane plan?" "Well... no." "And why do you think that is?" I am at a loss. "Because... ah, because" She chuckles again. “Because sane plans never work, girl," she says. "Only the mad ones do."

Page 388
Photo of Matilda Stener
Matilda Stener@matilda_na

It takes only a split second for life to go horribly wrong. To fix the mess, I need a thousand things to go right. The distance from one bit of luck to the next feels as great as the distance across oceans. But, I decide in this moment, I will bridge that d distance, again and again, until I win. I will not fail.

Page 387
Photo of Matilda Stener
Matilda Stener@matilda_na

Failure doesn't define you. It's what you do after you fail that determines whether you are a leader or a waste of perfectly good air."

Page 387