A Touch of Darkness
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Easy read

A Touch of Darkness

Persephone is the Goddess of Spring by title only. The truth is, since she was a little girl, flowers have shriveled at her touch. After moving to New Athens, she hopes to lead an unassuming life disguised as a mortal journalist. Hades, God of the Dead, has built a gambling empire in the mortal world and his favorite bets are rumored to be impossible. After a chance encounter with Hades, Persephone finds herself in a contract with the God of the Dead and the terms are impossible: Persephone must create life in the Underworld or lose her freedom forever. The bet does more than expose Persephone's failure as a goddess, however. As she struggles to sow the seeds of her freedom, love for the God of the Dead grows-and it's forbidden.
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Photo of Alexandra Rodriguez
Alexandra Rodriguez@alexandrareads
3 stars
Dec 26, 2024

She whines too much and she a goddess???

Photo of Kyra
2.5 stars
Oct 9, 2024

My very first audiobook and probably not the best choice for it.

„Meh“ is probably the beste word to describe this book. Story, romance, smut, FMC… Everything was just „meh“.

The narrator was pretty cool though. Really enjoyed the voiced she did for each different character but the way she read the smut was kinda weird and a little cringy.

Photo of Ashley Denktas
Ashley Denktas@foxface
3 stars
Oct 4, 2024

I kept reading this even though I think for the first part I really was struggling. Overall I did get to a point where I wanted to finish it but don't know if its my vibe. If you took a shot for every time the book said "Persephone shivered" you would be dead. 😭

Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah
2.5 stars
Sep 26, 2024

This book had a great premise, and lost the plot about 240 pages in.
There are only so many descriptions of someone's nether regions and gyrations that I can take. It got to the point that I actually started skimming the page just because the amount of sexy times that were occurring was excessive. Like, where is the pining, where's the passion? Just love scenes? Okay, then.
Also, the big end plot drama was resolved within five seconds. Which didn't give much of a pay off.
Overall, I'm a little disappointed, because if the author went the same route as the Four Horsemen series and made a book about each God/Goddess and toned down the cheesiness, this would've been fire.

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04
4 stars
Aug 4, 2024

Was a bit weird at the beginning since the last time I read about them was in Percy Jackson but after a while I got over that and it’s great

Photo of Manda
2.5 stars
Jul 9, 2024

Wasn't a fan of the writing style, but it was an easy read 🙃

Photo of Jazz
2 stars
Jun 6, 2024

Tbh kinda let down from this one. Heard so many good reviews for it but it just felt surface level and kinda made me cringe.

Photo of Brittany
5 stars
May 28, 2024

I COULD NOT put this book down! I cannot wait to read the rest of the saga!

Photo of Gabriela Kondratyuk
Gabriela Kondratyuk@buginasunflower
4.5 stars
May 23, 2024

Okay Persephone a little dumb LOVER HER THOUGH. This was so sexy

Photo of Alex Landau
Alex Landau@daetura
5 stars
May 9, 2024

I loved this book so much that I can't even put it into words but I will try!!!

Persephone was a delight, a bit danger prone, full of stubborn, and over all very much trying to find herself. Hades... Wow Hades. Now that is how you write a God of the Underworld. Characters were generally really well written and served their purpose well.

I found the pacing to be perfect and honestly the last four-ish chapters really had me squee-ing in delight.

Photo of Hanna Rybchynska
Hanna Rybchynska@hannarbc
5 stars
May 3, 2024

Unexpectendly good! Get ready to dive headfirst into the thrilling world of Greek mythology with 'A Touch of Darkness' by Scarlett St. Clair! This book had me hooked from the get-go with its mix of romance, intrigue, and gods living among humans. I enjoyed the worldbuilding in this book! It was so cool to see the gods living normal lives alongside us mere mortals—it added a whole new level of excitement to the story. And don't even get me started on the romance between Hades and Persephone—it's cute and hot! But what I loved most was that it wasn't just about the physical stuff. They had real, meaningful conversations, and their connection felt genuine and heartfelt. Sure, things get steamy, but it's not just about the sexy stuff. There's real depth to their relationship, and I was totally invested in every moment. Overall, 'A Touch of Darkness' is a good read! It's the perfect mix of relaxation and excitement, and I couldn't put it down.

Photo of Andrada Nane
Andrada Nane@addaoff
0.5 stars
Apr 21, 2024

I have no words to describe how disappointed this book was.😮‍💨 At first I was so excited and intrigued... Until I've read the first 2 pages. 🙁 The idea of the book was Very interesting and could have been a good story, but ( excuse my comparison) it was like a p*rn, were you have that story in the beginning that don't make many sense so after you can watch the action. 🙄

And a lot of things that happened that could go to a good action were left in the air. For example, the thing with Adonis or Apollo ( didn't bother to remember the name) and the drink and trying to force her, and the thing he was almost hooked with her bestie, for me turning the page to realise that thing it will never be brought up again....like what? 🤯

And don't make me start on the things that don't make a sense at all, like her mother powers. Hades smells her mother's power on her, cus apparently you could do that, but her mother couldn't sense Hades's power. Like...what??? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

I really wanted to like this series..and unfortunately I've bought all the books before even read it and now ... I'll not touch it again and also I'm scared to do the same thing again with another series.

It's first time writing a bad review so long, usually if I don't like a book I consider it like a personal opinion and I don't say to much, but here I couldn't control myself. And don't ask me about the grammar errors... 😮‍💨

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Jade 🌷
Jade 🌷@thinkinabtbooks
5 stars
Apr 4, 2024

Okay I ATE THIS UP AHH. Greek mythology has always held a special place in my heart and this? Just fulfilled it further I SWEAR. I had characters I loved and HATED but MAN did those characters help with Persephones character growth?? Hades changing FOR her? YES YES YES ❤️‍🔥 Silly little games that mean so much puts reality into a completely perspective. It’s an every day occurrence that we do something without second guessing the true motives behind it- and this shined a light on that. I loved loved loved it. Also just the way Demeter tried to isolate Persephone just gave me HELLA Tangled vibes. This book was everything I wanted in a man. 5/5 can’t wait to read the next book

Photo of Selin Igten
Selin Igten@emerense
4 stars
Apr 2, 2024

god... i want a hades

Photo of Filipa Carvalho
Filipa Carvalho@fii
2.5 stars
Mar 27, 2024

I was really enjoying the book in the beginning, but it completely lost me around the middle part… If I’m being honest, it lost me on the first sex scene, but I would’ve gladly overlooked the bad written smut, if Persephone and Hades just stopped being stupid and talked with each other. Instead we go on an endless cycle of ‘he’s not that bad’ / something happens / they don’t talk / Persephone gets pissed (because she’s written as an annoying child) / Hades feels misunderstood, over and over and over again

Photo of Valentina Moreno Escobar
Valentina Moreno Escobar@veemorenooo
5 stars
Feb 12, 2024

So cute, wow I fell in love myself…

Photo of Susan
4.5 stars
Feb 11, 2024

This book was HOTT 🔥🌶️🥵

Photo of Mackenzie Turner
Mackenzie Turner@keepingupwithkenzie
5 stars
Feb 7, 2024

I loved this book! I recently became obsessed with Hades x Persephone retellings and I absolutely love them! They’re sooooo good and the spiciness in these books have me blushing lol. Would 100% recommend!

Photo of Ksenija
Ksenija @ksenksen
3.5 stars
Jan 28, 2024

Overall the book well written and the story was sweet. Personally, there was a lack of development in some parts of the story, so it felt like only the surface was being brushed. The ending was a bit underwhelming.

Photo of Ana Belén
Ana Belén@anieloves
1 star
Jan 24, 2024

if i could, i‘d give it 0 stars.

Photo of sophie
3 stars
Jan 21, 2024

3.5 stars

Photo of Whitney Nicole
Whitney Nicole@whitneyturnspages
4 stars
Jan 14, 2024

From what I’ve heard about this book I expected it to be all smut but I actually reply enjoyed the plot and character growth!! As far as spice goes the scenes are usually kept pretty short, but they def get the point across 😂 the real enjoyment comes from the watching Persephone grow as a Goddess, along with her relationship with Hades. I also love the little nods to certain characters of Greek mythology 😉

Photo of Rebeca Keren Nuñez
Rebeca Keren Nuñez@rebecanunez
3 stars
Jan 6, 2024

"A Touch of Darkness" de Scarlett St. Clair es una cautivadora reinvención moderna de la mitología griega que te sumerge en un mundo de dioses, mortales y la delgada línea que los separa. La autora fusiona hábilmente elementos contemporáneos con la riqueza de la mitología para crear una narrativa fresca y apasionante. La historia sigue a Persefone, una joven que se ve envuelta en la intriga divina cuando es reclamada por el oscuro dios del inframundo, Hades. St. Clair presenta una Persefone fuerte y decidida, lejos de la imagen pasiva a menudo asociada con el mito. La dinámica entre Persefone y Hades es compleja, llena de tensión y química, lo que añade capas intrigantes a la trama. La prosa de St. Clair es ágil y envolvente, haciendo que la mitología cobre vida de manera vívida. El uso de elementos modernos, como la ambientación contemporánea y los detalles culturales, añade un giro refrescante a la historia clásica. La autora también explora las relaciones entre los dioses, brindando una visión fascinante de su mundo y sus luchas internas. La trama está llena de giros y sorpresas, manteniendo al lector en vilo a medida que se desarrolla la historia de amor prohibida entre Persefone y Hades. El equilibrio entre el romance y la acción mitológica es acertado, creando una narrativa que satisface tanto a los amantes del romance como a los entusiastas de la mitología. Los personajes secundarios, tanto divinos como mortales, están bien desarrollados, añadiendo profundidad y complejidad al mundo que St. Clair ha creado. La autora presenta una visión fresca y moderna de los dioses, explorando sus defectos y motivaciones de manera convincente. "A Touch of Darkness" es una lectura envolvente que combina la rica tradición de la mitología griega con elementos contemporáneos. Scarlett St. Clair ha tejido una historia que deleitará a los amantes de la mitología y a aquellos que buscan una historia de amor épica y emocionante.

Photo of Madi
1.5 stars
Jan 5, 2024

I love a Greek myth retelling so I thought this would be a cute read. Just no. I really can’t think of one thing I liked. Even if you’re reading it for the 🌶️, girl, put it DOWN.


Photo of Giorgia Vodola
Giorgia Vodola @giorgiia

«Sarai sempre la sovrana del mio cuore.»

Photo of Callyn

"They say Hades is protective of his realm, and while that is true, it isn't about power. He cares for his people, protects them, and he takes it personally if anyone is harmed. If you being to him, he will tear the world apart to save you. "

Page 91

Hades 🔥 💗💕

Photo of Alexia Beaufort
Alexia Beaufort @lucky_cristal54

- Parce que la passion n'a pas besoin d'amour, ma chérie.

Page 179

Hades n'a pas forcément tord dans ce qu'il généralement les gens prennent la passion pour de l'amour.

Photo of Ryleigh Johnson
Ryleigh Johnson@ryleighj13

It was said that Hades liked a good bet, and rarely accepted a wager other than the human soul.

Page 9
Photo of Mari🦇 🤎🗡️
Mari🦇 🤎🗡️@cupidsmom

She started putting her headphones in on her walks just so she could claim she couldn't hear people when they called her name.

She’s so me

Photo of Sophia

Persephone pressed her lips together and nodded. She should have known. "Well, you won. I love you. Was it worth it?"

Page 348


Photo of Sophia

"Come home soon, Lord Hades."

He smiled wickedly before vanishing.

Page 292

Omg I love it when a character begins to call it their home as well😭😭

Photo of Sophia

Persephone paused and turned to face the girl. "He listened. There's nothing romantic about that."

The girl blinked, confused.

Persephone explained, "I'm not interested in romanticizing Hades for doing something all men should be doing."

Page 289

👏🏻👏🏻 (but I'm still gonna love him for it haha)

Photo of Sophia

"I could spend all day kissing you."

"No one's stopping you," she said, surprised by the words that came out of her mouth. Where was this boldness coming from?

But Hades only chuckled and pressed his lips to hers.

Page 273
Photo of Sophia

When she finally pulled away, it was to nibble at his ear. "You will worship me," she said and rolled her hips against him. His hands dug into her skin, and she moved in, her cheek brushing his as she whispered. "And I won't even have to order you."

Page 192


Photo of Sophia

Persephone tested Hades's grip on her hand, but the god only held her tighter, guiding her past the ferryman and up the steps to his throne. Hades waved his hand, and a smaller throne materialized beside his; Persephone hestitated.

"You are a goddess. You will sit in a throne." He guided her to be seated and only then released her hand.

Page 135

Power Couple

Photo of Sophia

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" they said in unison.

"Yes!" Perephone squealed. "Rock beats scissors!"

She mimicked smashing Hades's scissors with her fist - the god blinked. "Damn. I thought you'd choose paper."


"Because you just sang paper's praise."

"Only because you asked why paper covers rock. This isn't poker, Hades. It's not about deception."

Page 132
Photo of Sophia

Hades threw the ball, his strength and power evident in how impossibly far it went. The hounds bolted after it and Hades laughed, deep and loud; the sound was warm like his skin and echoed in Persephone's chest.

Page 127

Reminds me off Aaron feeding the stray dog in his novella🥹

Photo of Sophia

"What's wrong?" he demanded.

"I fell on the stair. I think I..." She took a breath and winced. "I think I bruised my ribs."

When she met his gaze, she was surprised to see he looked worried. She recalled Ilias's words from ealier - he takes it personally if anyone is harmed in his realm.

"It's okay," she whispered. "I'm okay."

Page 99

Omg they are adorable

Photo of Sophia

Hermes looked serious for a moment and tapped his full lips with his finger. "Hmm. I think you are the Goddess of Sexual Frustration."

Persephone barked laughter. "I think that's Aphrodite."

"Did I say sexual frustration? I meant Hades's sexual frustration."

Page 97

I love him already😂

Photo of Sophia

"They say Hades is protective of his realm, and while that is true, it isn't about power. He cares for his people, protects them, and he takes it personally if anyone is harmed. If you belong to him, he will tear the world apart to save you."

Page 91


Photo of Sophia

"You are the worst sort of god!"

Hades flinched but quickly recovered, eyes flashing with anger.

Page 83

Imagine Hades flinches because of you👀 The power she has

Photo of Sophia

"Such is the case with the Divine, but I am afraid he trusts very few. If you ask me, he needs a wife."

Page 63

Antoni doing the god's work😂

Photo of Sophia

"Create life in the Underworld," he said at last.

Page 57

I wouldn't even try to grow flowers given her history lmao I'd immediately try to get pregnant and then he can be a happy single father or pay idk child support for Gods?😂 Let's see how he'll like this terms

Photo of Sophia

Hades was serious, and she guessed that made sense; the god was notoriously private. He hadn't even been linked to a lover.

Page 17


Photo of Sophia

[Hades] was more than just the King of the Underworld, after all. Being the wealthiest of all the gods, he'd earned the title of Rich One.

Page 2

Wealthiest?😏 That's what I like to hear😂

Photo of Mey

Respect could build an empire. Trust could make it unbreakable. Love could make it last forever.

Page 289

Persephone is growing on me in this chapter (XXI)

Photo of RacquelElizabeth

When she finally pulled away, it was to nibble at his ear. "You will worship me," she said and rolled her hips against him.

Page 192

Like damn, okay ma'am !

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Photo of Moa


Minthe the Mint Plant


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