A Vow So Bold and Deadly
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A Vow So Bold and Deadly

Brigid Kemmerer โ€” 2021
Kingdoms will clash. Choose your side. The incredible conclusion to New York Times bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer's Cursebreaker series. Face your fears, fight the battle. Emberfall is crumbling fast, torn between those who believe Rhen is the rightful prince and those who are eager to begin a new era under Grey, the true heir. Grey has agreed to wait two months before attacking Emberfall, and in that time, Rhen has turned away from everyone--even Harper, as she desperately tries to help him find a path to peace. Fight the battle, save the kingdom. Meanwhile, Lia Mara struggles to rule Syhl Shallow with a gentler hand than her mother. But after enjoying decades of peace once magic was driven out of their lands, some of her subjects are angry Lia Mara has an enchanted prince and a magical scraver by her side. As Grey's deadline draws nearer, Lia Mara questions if she can be the queen her country needs. As the two kingdoms come closer to conflict, loyalties are tested, love is threatened, and an old enemy resurfaces who could destroy them all, in this stunning conclusion to bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer's Cursebreaker series.
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Photo of surtifiedโ„ข
3 stars
Dec 24, 2024

What a good way to end the trilogy. Again, it wasnโ€™t as good as the second book, especially because the first half of this book was insufferably slow and boring, I was really considering just closing the book. Rhen was absolutely terrible in this book and harper was absolutely awful, she just whined all the time man. But grey and lia Mara are amazing characters and I love those two, especially together. I like how the book ended, with them being friends and brothers once more. I always loved their bond in the first book, so it was nice to see that return.

Photo of Ashley Lively
Ashley Lively@ashlivluv
5 stars
Dec 8, 2024

It was a heartfelt book. There was heartbreaking scenes, happy scenes and romantic scenes. I was glad that Rhen and Grey saw sense and became friends but I was still a bit sad that Rhen didn't become king. I was really sad when Lilith tortured Rhen again and it was really sad and I cried a lot.

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Photo of Mey
5 stars
Jun 30, 2024

Reread 2 (so total 3 reads): this book still hits so hard and Brigid's testosterone-y characters are always peak comedy.

Photo of Michaela Hudson
Michaela Hudson@mimiisreading
3 stars
Mar 14, 2024

I don't know how i finished this so fast without ruining my sleeping schedule but here we go ๐Ÿ™ƒ I definitely enjoyed this more than I did the second book. The pace is throbbing, the plotline is easy to follow, even if you have forgot details from the last books (like me). Your ships get quality screentimes. I would say this is a solid final installment, but I don't think it's the best last book in a series that's been ever written. I don't hate any of our four characters, I swear. But they took so long to get their shit together. They were so indecisive at times, and many parts of their narratives sounded like rambling the same thing over and over again. The final battle (oh god i hope it's not spoiler) had the potential to be, idk, more, but it didn't last long as I hoped. (view spoiler)[Because, (now this is a spoiler)to be honest, this weakass witch who got killed in a matter of pages couldn't be the same one that fucked people up for the whole three damn books. (hide spoiler)] And then some random forgotten subplot got thrown in, and the ending came. Both were a bit underwhelming. Some details felt unresolved. My problem with this book, in short, is that Kemmerer could have streched this out a lot more. Personally, I could have waited longer. It's not as if I would have forgotten more than I'd already had. ๐Ÿ™Š No needs for a rushed ending. But if you want some *chef's kiss* romance, well, you are in for a treat. TL;DR? A fun read, but there are flaws๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

Photo of Tatiana
3 stars
Jan 17, 2024

A Vow So Bold and Deadly: 3/5 IT'S FINALLY HERE! A Vow So Bold and Deadly is a book I've been waiting for, FOR MONTHS. It is the third and final installment of the Curebreakers series and I loved it! I think this was a great wrap up to the series. In this book, we get all four points of view: Harper, Rhen, Grey, and Lia Mara. This actually made me appreciate A Heart So Fierce and Broken a bit more because we see both plotlines come together (kind of like a Tower of Dawn moment). I think the plot is great and picks up right where the second book ends. It took me no time to slip back into the world and characters. Once again, Brigid Kemmerer outdoes herself with a plotline and characters that readers will fall in love with. The reason I am giving this book three stars (as I did with the other two books) is just because of the writing style. Throughout these books, the writing style was never for me and always seemed a bit young. For example, Brigid Kemmerer is a more tell don't show type of writer as she likes to express thoughts and feelings by saying them outright, eg. "I am angry. I am so angry". This really annoys me for some reason. Secondly, a lot of her writing gets repetitive and is dramatic for no reason, like how Harper and Lia Mara always say, "I have to put a hand to my chest" when something emotional occurs. Like no one actually does that, and this happened at least 12 times throughout A Vow So Bold and Deadly. My other criticism is just that I don't like Lia Mara. I never really connected with her character in A Heart So Fierce and Broken, and this just solidified how much I don't like her. I want another really strong female character and Lia Mara just... isn't.. and neither is Harper, to be honest. I found myself agreeing with a lot of what Nola Verin (Lia Mara's sister) was saying. Towards the end, I did like Lia Mara a bit more, but overall I thought she was kind of a weak character. In regards to Harper, I have the same criticism that I did in A Curse So Dark and Lonely, which is that she pleads SO OFTEN, just by saying "please" OVER AND OVER. I feel like the begging could have been reduced to maybe one page, rather than like 3 chapters. It really took away from the badass journey that Harper just went on, only for her to beg another man for 15 pages. Furthermore, I just don't like Lilith. Not just because she's a villain and we're not supposed to like her, but because I think she's annoying. How many times can one villain say "you're weak" or "you're not as strong as I am". I get it, sheesh. I also feel like the motivations behind Lilith aren't flushed out, and mostly she does all the cruel things only for spite. I definitely think Grey is my favorite and most dynamic character. Everything he does has a purpose, it's done with grace and I just love him. I think he is strong but still doesn't fall under a toxic masculinity trope which I find so many fantasy books end up doing. He is mature, sure of himself and his values, AND a warrior? What else could a reader want? I think he is a well-written character that all readers will fall in love with. The one thing I don't like about him is Harper's nickname for him, "scary Grey", honey are we 5? Anyway, even with all that criticism I actually still liked the book and I recommend this whole series. I think it's great, entertaining, and overall a good time. Is it the most enthralling book in a literary sense? No. Is the writing something to be admired? No. But it gets the point across and tells a great story regardless.

Photo of Aimee :)
Aimee :)@aimees_reading
3 stars
Dec 13, 2023

I definitely enjoyed reading this more than the second one. However, this book only got interesting whilst i was around 50% through with it, meaning the first half wasnโ€™t that great. To me it was really boring. Yet the second half brought me torture and tears. At one point i had to take a little break, and i canโ€™t tell if thatโ€™s a good thing or not. You see, the storyline that occurred and the plot point i was at frustrated me, as did the ending. spoilers Grey and Lia Mara, who werenโ€™t even main characters in the beginning and somehow took over the series had a happy ending. What about the characters i bought and read this trilogy for? Rhen and Harper. Now, i do feel like Harper was becoming more herself from the first book, but not really enough. As for Rhen. I am so frustrated. Leave my man alone. One thing after another destroyed any chances of him being happy, and even the ending doesnโ€™t clear anything up. It reminds me of The Red Queen Series by Victoria Aveyard, with the fact they both fully torture their characters. But i respect and appreciate Victoria Aveyardโ€™s, because itโ€™s done really well and really suited the storyline. But in this all i truly wanted was for Rhen and Harper to be happy at least for more than a chapter. no spoilers As for the romance between Rhen and Harper, it wasnโ€™t much either. Trust me iโ€™m not one who typically needs romance, but with how much we got from Grey And Lia Mara they certainly needed more.

Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah
4 stars
Sep 3, 2023

This was a pretty good read. The first was a drag, the second was a joy, and this one was fairly good. Definitely peaked at the second, though. I just personally really liked Grey and enjoyed his side of things.

Photo of camila santaella
camila santaella@bobitacamila
3.5 stars
Aug 21, 2023


Photo of Maggie Hotmer
Maggie Hotmer@maggielynn8
4.5 stars
Mar 9, 2023

I really enjoyed this book. It was amazing to read from everyone's perspectives. Sometimes this can get confusing but I liked how she broke it up between the two kingdoms to make it easier. I really loved how the ending really came together. All in all this series was amazing and I enjoyed every minute of reading it.

Photo of Ria
3 stars
Jan 28, 2023

This was honestly a disappointment. It took me FAR too long to finish it. I realised at the start I didnโ€™t really care about the characters much anymore, they justโ€ฆidk felt weird. The last book was good (I gave it 5 but looking back probs a 4), but honestly the direction the trilogy went was NOT what I expected at book 1.  The whole โ€œbattleโ€ in this only started at like 350 pages in, a few of the characters only met up by like 330โ€ฆso the first 300 pages was a dragggggg. It just felt like I was wasting my time! I was bored! Nothing was happeningโ€ฆI just ended up finishing it to finish it. A shame really because I adored the first book so so so much! The dynamics, the world, the isekai element, it was greatโ€ฆbut the series dwindled as it went. Iโ€™m just gonna admire the first book as itโ€™s a fav, remember the 2nd one fondly and pretend I didnโ€™t see this one! I hope the spin off stuff is good *fingers crossed*

Photo of Kimberly Burgess
Kimberly Burgess @fernweh_and_haven
3 stars
Jan 21, 2023

This series had so much potential, but I feel like while the ending was satisfactory it wasn't as amazing as it could've been. Probably would've been an amazing duology but felt a little dragged out over 3 books. Fantastic worldbuilding, mostly loveable characters, but the abundance of miscommunication was a frustrating.

Photo of Courtney
3 stars
Dec 30, 2022

3โญ๏ธ Although I enjoyed this series as a whole, I have some issues with the novel. I had fun with the series and these books were a good read. The issues I had were with the plot and character development. I just didn't understand how we got from book 1 to book 3 and just how the characters developed over the series. I also didn't like Harper's constant need to be a savior and Rhen's constant need to keep all the secrets. Overall a good YA fantasy series.

Photo of Lรฉane
Lรฉane @leno
4 stars
Oct 30, 2022

A nice ending to the retelling. I liked the changing point of views, and I was happy to be back with harper I'm a bit disappointed by the end because I felt that the author didn't take much risk.

Photo of Hannah Williams
Hannah Williams@folklorereads
4 stars
Oct 10, 2022

Eeek this was a really good conclusion to the series!! I really liked having all four POVโ€™s. I definitely liked the ending and how everything concluded as a new beginning.

Photo of Ashley Wendt
Ashley Wendt@undertheasktra
4 stars
Sep 6, 2022

I enjoyed that conclusion. Much of it was predictable, but the writing was fantastic. It gave me the Beauty & the Beast vibes through the end and a big part of that was the strong character development. There were a few threads that didnโ€™t seem fully wrapped up and left me wanting more. I have a feeling there will be more to this world...or at least Iโ€™m hoping!!

Photo of Cheri McElroy
Cheri McElroy@cherimac
5 stars
Sep 5, 2022

โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ซ Wow. A great ending to this trilogy. 1. We got much more from Harper and Rhen. 2. There was character growth. 3. The ending was realistic. Everything wasn't wrapped up neatly with a bow, and it wouldn't have been. But Rhenโ€™s sacrifice was something to see. I knocked a star off because Grey and Lia Mara don't really pull me in to care about them in this book.

Photo of Cassie Annesi
Cassie Annesi@cassiea
3 stars
Aug 15, 2022

The characters felt completely different in this book. Took me awhile to get into it.

Photo of Livia
2 stars
Aug 13, 2022

** spoiler alert ** The only saving grace of this book is Rhen and Grey. That's it. And maybe Harper at some occasion but mostly she and Lia Mara annoys me to no end. Putting Lilith back in the story felt like a cheap excuse to have a force that unite them together, which then resolved way too quickly, especially after the massive and excessive build-up leading to the moment. And the last chapter left us in a very unsatisfying conclusion. This book would've been better if the actual story is cut down in half (and nothing would've change) and spend the next half with Grey and Rhen solving the issues and problems in Emberfall and their relationship with Syhl Shallow. It would have been better to see Rhen being Grey's royal advisor, giving counsel and facing the problems together, side by side. Alas, we get a heavily expositioned book with pay-off that did not felt satisfying and so much left unexplored. I truly loved the first book, felt just okay with the second one, and let down by the third one.

Photo of Aurora Corbett
Aurora Corbett@acorbett1106
4 stars
Aug 11, 2022

It was really good except the story kept building and getting more intense and then the ending was kind of blah and I was expecting something more. I also don't like how at the end of the book, Harper got kind of whiny. I know she was trying to help but still. The author could have written those parts a little differently.

Photo of hannah :)
hannah :)@hkayx
3 stars
Jul 15, 2022

i think that this book was the perfect ending to the trilogy and as an overall the series wasn't too bad. yes there were many characters that i didn't like, on a personality based level, but there were a few that made the series so worth it.

the ending of this book was great and the whole brotherly aspect was very heartwarming. i have heard that there are character crossovers in other books by Brigid Kemmerer (i think i read somewhere that it was Defy the Night, but i could be wrong ๐Ÿคญ), and i would definitely enjoy finding out where they are in the future (especially Grey's child!!)

anyways, a great series that i did enjoy, just not one that will be held as a favourite.

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Photo of p.
1 star
Jun 19, 2022

easily the worst book i have read so far this year, nothing can even hold a candle to it and i read jujutsu kaisen weekly. disclaimer: i am well out of the target age range of this series but i'd argue that surely you don't think teenagers are that stupid to gulp up this garbage. i would be surprised if brigid kemmerer signed her book deal with a full outline for her trilogy since this story was all over the place. themes? character arcs? we have not heard of them - what do you think this is? lit class? i cannot even say whether this is due to my absolute contempt for lia mara and gray, the two stupidest and blandest people in existence, or the fact that this book had neither proper, climactic plot, nor was it a character study. in fact, i think the two are interlinked. (view spoiler)[let's get this straight, the plot actually sits with rhen and harper. they have to deal with preparing for war, lilith and internal kingdom turmoil. they consistently throughout the book take actions to keep the story moving, be it through attempting to stop lilith, seeking gray out, literally forcing gray and lia mara to move their asses. the interesting character arcs also sit with them. not that they are well developed but the bare bones are there - for example, the inner struggle that rhen goes through of doing the right things and being forced to do atrocious things to protect others. however, the book is split between those two and lia mara and gray. all the latter two do is sit around, try not to get assassinated and whine about how incompetent they are (while being terribly incompetent). neither one of those people make any attempt to improve themselves or their circumstances. by the end, lia mara is meant to have grown into being a ruler. throughout the whole book she has been talking about how weak she is, how she wants to rule with kindness, all the while acting like she never puts her wants before the needs of others (literally, the self-awareness is inexistent; but also turns out her "wants" is just her being horny lmao) and also failing to provide an alternative to the ruling with cruelty, as were the old ways of her kingdom, or trying to understand her people. i can go on a tangent about how this compares unfavourably to elend's arc in the well of ascension but i am plenty unkind without it. similarly, a big part of gray's - "journey" is a strong word - is becoming more confident in his role and strengths. to the very end he compares himself to rhen and how he would go about battles and politics and just never grows out of it. he never truly demonstrates that he is also competent in his own way beyond "sword goes stabby stabby". he never does anything to actually try and grow as a person. now, passive characters are not bad per se. but those two do not even have proper plotlines to push them into doing something - anything. for some unfathomable reason the author just decided at some point that she likes them, and that people like them, and wrote her equivalent o a domestic fic into her too long book. all of this makes me wonder what was the point of including those two at all. they are static, stagnant. if they are rewarded, it is because the author felt so - not because they have done anything to earn it. hell, they would have just stayed in their castle, had rhen not been forced to station soldiers on the border (and even then!) or had harper literally not gone to force them into action. (hide spoiler)] this series started as a beauty and the beast retelling with an interesting and disabled protagonist. it had the chance to examine age old questions of what is a monster and what happens when good people make bad choices. instead it thought it was more important to have two basic bitches fuck on page. honestly, goodbye and good riddance!

Photo of Regina
3 stars
May 26, 2022

I was looking forward to reading this and I guess I expected more from it and it disappointed a little. It was still nice but I don't think I can give it this one the same rating as the first and second book.

Photo of Kaitlyn Grooms
Kaitlyn Grooms@readingginger90
5 stars
May 15, 2022

I think this was one of the best Beauty and The Beast retellings Iโ€™ve ever read. I couldnโ€™t put this book down once I started reading. It took me awhile because I had to work but Saturday into early sunday (like 3:30 am) I couldnโ€™t stop reading. Itโ€™s so good and I love all the characters but a handful of them. I want everyone to read and love this series like I did.

Photo of Meg Cornhill
Meg Cornhill@megcee
4 stars
May 3, 2022

3.5/3.75 (I havenโ€™t quite decided yet) Iโ€™m torn between whether I like this series or not because Iโ€™m both a character driven reader but also hella big on plots, and I hate predictability in fantasy books because really, the only limit is your imagination. I really enjoyed the characters from the first book, it slightly diminished in the second, and by the last I found them incredibly one dimensional that I forgot why I liked them to start with (I also shipped Grey & Harper so hard, that I literally didnโ€™t pay attention to Lia Mara; I just had to grab the book I finished 2 minutes ago to find her name). The basic plot of this was interesting enough to keep my reading, but I felt the climax was too rushed and the ending was just left a little wanting. In saying that, I still enjoyed it enough that I would recommend friends to read it.


Photo of Mey

I put out a hand. "For the good of..." I hesitate. It's not just for Emberfall any longer. "What, then?"

Grey clasps my hand, his grip tight. "You and me, Brother. For the good of all."

Page 405


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Photo of Mey

She winks at Grey and says, "Your brother looks so dangerous." And then she bumps my shoulder with her hip.

I choke on my drinkโ€” but I put a coin on the table. Now she winks at me.

"I'm going to tell Harper," says Grey.

I smile.

It feels good to smile.

Page 404

404 Error just perfect

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Photo of Mey

Then, without warning, she gives Grey impulsive hug, tugging his face into her impressive bosom. "I'm so glad you're alive," she says. "I was so worried."

And then she's gone.

"I'm going to tell Lia Mara," I say.

"I will personally kill you."

"Oh, Hawk," I tease in a falsetto. "I was so worried."

"You're worse than Jake."

Page 403
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Photo of Mey

She moves closer. "Are you hiding? Is there a couple? I have heard that horrid Prince Rhen was going to try to kill youโ€”"

I cough. "A truly horrid man, for sure."

"Not in hiding," says Grey. "And my brother is not so horrid."

Her wide eyes turn to me.

I shrug.

Page 403
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Photo of Mey

"Have no fear, my love. No one will touch you." He pauses, and his voice gains an edge. "And rest assured that no one will dare touch our child."

Page 395

Little did we know he was about to become unbearable

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Photo of Mey

"A misunderstanding," I say. I wince and touch a hand to my head. "About which way was up."

Grey is sprawled on the marble next to me, and he looks over. He points at the ceiling. "I told you it was that way."

I knew it. He's slurring already. I look at the door. "We're fine. Get out."

Page 392


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Photo of Mey

"No, I would like for you to ride at my side."

"To show me all I have lost?"

"Only half. Then you'd have to turn your head, I imagineโ€”"

Page 391


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Photo of Mey

"I still have no head for liquor. I'll be in the floor."

I pour two glasses. "Good. I'll join you."

Page 391
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Photo of Mey

"Ah, yes, of course, my lord."

Page 388

I miss book 1 oh the development.

Photo of Mey

"Not Nakiis," the creature hisses. "His father."

Page 364


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Photo of Mey

But his free hand reaches out to grasp mine. His grip is tight, and it's startling that I remember it, that it's familiar: from a thousand different sparring matches that ended with me in the dirt, from the times I would tumble from a horse, from the times Lilith would leave me in a tortured heap and Grey would drag me to my feet.

From the last time, the last time, when I stood on the castle parapets, terrified to jump.

When Grey reached out and took my hand.

Page 350
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Photo of Mey

"They are good women and men," he adds.

Page 255

Brigid I see you

Photo of Mey

I suddenly wish I could send magic tearing across the grounds, because I'd lace it with fierce longing and gentle wistfulness and unfettered hope, emotions I only dare to share with her.

Page 244
Photo of Mey

He's taking the hit so others can thrive. I've always thought that his greatest strength is when he's patient, when he waits, when he doesn't demand and instead wait for others to give.

Page 218
Photo of Mey

"I wonder if he would see me as a failureโ€” and I also wonder if I would want a man like that to see me as a success."

Page 215
Photo of Mey

He shouldn't be allowed to say my name like that when I'm... I don't know what I am. Like this.

Page 209


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Photo of Mey

"For you, my lady, I would have leveled the entire city."

Page 203

"For you, my love, anything." Ahhhhh vibes

Photo of Mey

Every time I get a five-minute break from worry, something new pops up to smack me in the face.

Page 172
Photo of Mey

Rhen will absorb my panic and fears, the way he always does, and he'll allow it to double his own.

Page 169
Photo of Mey

I know I can't undo what I've done or erase the mistakes I've made. Forgiveness can't be bought, but I'm not entirely sure how I could earn it either.

Page 152
Photo of Mey

"My lady." I feign hurt. "You wound me."

Page 152


Photo of Mey

I taught her how to hold a bow, how to dance, how to station an army. But when it came to swordplay, she first learned from Grey.

Page 151
Photo of Mey

I am torn between wanting to stay by her side until the end of time, and wanting to find every single person who would dare wish her harm so I can put a blade through them myself.

Page 137
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Photo of Mey

"I've heard many stories," he says against my cheek, his voice teasing as he drags his teeth along my jaw. "You've read so very many books." His thumb strokes against a sensitive bit of skin, and I gasp again.

He draws back enough to find my eyes, and he smiles. "Surely, we can figure it out."

Page 136

This part lived in my head.

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