A Wanted Man
When you're as big and rough as Jack Reacher - and you have a badly set, freshly busted nose - it isn't easy to hitch a ride. At last, he's picked up by three strangers - two men and a woman. Within minutes it becomes clear they're all lying about everything - and there's a police roadblock ahead. There has been an incident, and the cops are looking for the bad guys ... Will they get through because the three are innocent? Or because the three are now four? Is Reacher just a decoy? 'He could take out Bond, Dirty Harry, Jason Bourne and Ethan Hunt with both hands tied behind his back. And then sleep with their girlfriends two at a time before getting the last bus out of town' Sun
Melody Izard@mizard
Jason Porterfield@katzenpatsy
Ben S@beseku
Kate Lillie@lilliek1
Ed Kay@edk
Fran Lewis@franlewis
Tracie McMurray@mrs_mcmurray
Greg Park@greg
Kristy Madders@madders3
Robbie J Frye@robbiejfrye
Brandon Bohling@bbohling
Tor Einar Samdahl@teisam
Brandon Lee@sangsara
Jenna Pederson@jennapederson