Abandon #2: Underworld

Well, meskipun enggak baca buku pertamanya (Abandon) tapi aku cukup paham jalan ceritanya. Menarik, sih, temanya diangkat dari kisah Persephone dan Hades. Yap, John Hayden adalah dewa kematian, sang penguasa orang mati. Awalnya kukira gaya bahasanya bakalan baku tapi ternyata lumayan santai (dan ada humor-humor recehnya xD) jadi enak bacanya. Well, aku sempat merasa sebal kepada dua tokoh utama kita ini, Pierce dan John. Karena dua-duanya sama-sama batu, egois. -_- Tapi akhirnya aku jatuh cinta juga sih sama John, meskipun dia batu dan overprotective, dia itu hot banget. xD

Incredibly better than the first! This was a true Meg Cabot book and I loved it. I'm excited to see where it goes with Alex.

Can’t believe it took me almost a month to finish this story, I’m disappointed. The worst part is that I want to know how certain things end, because the book didn’t really caught my attention until the very end. I had to push myself for most of the book!! At this point I don’t know if I’ll read the next one, knowing myself I probably will since I already bought it 😔 Why do I do this to myself?? We’ll see 👀

Really good! Cannot wait for the last book!

This is the second book in Meg Cabot's Abandon trilogy. We pick back up with Pierce after her grandmother tried to kill her. Turns out she is a Fury and killed her own granddaughter. And the Furies killed her counselor. So, she is down in the Underworld with John, and realizing that she really does love him. Oh, and that her cousin Alex may be in trouble and could be killed at any moment. This novel was starting to lose me, but I still enjoyed it. This book started to point out all of the other things that we were starting to wonder about. What are furies, what happens when John leaves the underworld all of the time, is he the only one, what is his background, all of that. A lot of information. And a lot of sweetness between Pierce and John. I am very much wishing I would have actually paused after this book to write this review instead of immediately going to the final book in the series.... I am very sorry. My addition to books and need to find out what happens in this series kicked in.