Adam Green
Year of Yes
By Shonda Rhimes - Key Summary and Analysis

Year of Yes By Shonda Rhimes - Key Summary and Analysis

Adam Green2016
Year of Yesby Shonda Rhimes - Key Summary & AnalysisReading The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes, and watching episodes of her television programs in preparation for writing this book was both fun and enlightening. Her book was amazingly funny and deeply self-analytical. This book will make connection for the reader between Rhimes insightful work and applying her insight to your own lives. Journey with me through exploring her epiphany triggered by an older sister's words through the understanding that whatever we are, we are our best when we are ourselves. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it; and I recommend reading Shonda's Year of Yes at the same time. We can all make 2016 a year of Yes, we CAN together.
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