Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems

Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, PRIMA 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, November 21-23, 2007, Revised Papers

PRIMAhasemergedasamajorplatformforacademicandresearchexchangeon agent technologies. The PRIMA workshop series was initiated as a workshop of the Paci?c Rim International Conference in Arti?cial Intelligence (PRICAI) to provide a forum that would bring together research in the areas of agent te- nologyandmulti-agentsystems,both inthePaci?cRimregionandbeyond. The inaugural workshopin the series was held in Singapore in 1998, with subsequent meetingsin Kyoto(1999),Melbourne (2000),Taipei (2001),Tokyo(2002),Seoul (2003), Auckland (2004), Kuala Lumpur (2005) and Guilin (2006). At the 10th PRIMA in Bangkok in November 2007, the Steering Committee agreed that the series had grown in size and achieved a level of maturity to become a conference seriesofitsown. ItwasthereforeagreedthatfromBangkokin2007PRIMAwould stand for the Paci?cRim International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems. PRIMA 2007 received 102 valid submissions. Each submission was pe- reviewed by at least three referees selected from the Program Committee. As a result of the selection process, 22 submissions were accepted as full research papers, yielding an acceptance rate of 22. 22%. In addition the programincluded 11 application papers and 16 short papers. A special session on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) was organized by Graham Low from the Univ- sity of New South Wales (Australia) and Ghassan Beydoun from the University of Wollongong (Australia), where papers were invited from the AOSE com- nity, but put through the same rigourous reviewing process.
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