Before Paris

Before Paris A Novella

Adria Cimino2015
A coming of age novella by literary fiction author Adria J. Cimino that sets the stage for the novel Paris, Rue des Martyrs Before the lives of four strangers collided in Paris, there was one young man. Before Paris, a prequel to the novel Paris, Rue des Martyrs, tells the story of how Rafael, son of an emerald broker in Colombia, found his way to the City of Light. One fateful and dangerous night in emerald territory, he learns his father was carrying a secret. And the key to unlock it can only be found in Paris. If you like literary fiction, pick up this short story today... This mystery novella will make you want to find out exactly what happens next! Interview with the AuthorQ. What was your inspiration to write Before Paris? A. Readers of Paris, Rue des Martyrs often tell me they love the character of Rafael and are intrigued by his background in the Colombian emerald mines. I decided to delve deeper into his past and what brought him to Paris, where the story in Paris, Rue des Martyrs starts. Q. And what was your inspiration to write Paris, Rue des Martyrs? A. City life inspired me. The idea that every day, we might pass the same people as we walk down the street, yet what do we know about their lives? What would happen if our paths crossed? One of my favorite genres is literary fiction, so I decided to write a novel in that vein about life-changing encounters, liaisons and entwined paths. Q. What kind of story is Paris, Rue des Martyrs? Will it make us laugh, cry? A. I hope it will be an emotional read. Paris, Rue des Martyrs is about the importance of encounters. It is a love story, a story of friendship and family relationships. A mother-daughter relationship and a father-son relationship are integral to the plot. The novel is about love and loss, and healing wounds of the past. It is about city life & coming of age. And it is a Paris romance story, of course. Q. So many books have been written with Paris as the setting. What sets yours apart? A. Many books are about the Paris of berets and baguettes. Paris, Rue des Martyrs is about the reality of Paris life... living in a Montmartre neighborhood, sitting at a café, being Parisian by adoption in this melting pot of a city. It also has diverse characters with diverse backgrounds. It's a mysterious romance with many other elements! Q. Tell us about your other books. A. I've written another literary fiction romance novel, Close to Destiny. It's magical realism romance about righting the wrongs of the past. Some readers have compared it to The Time Traveler's Wife. And I contributed to two multi-author literary fiction collections: That's Paris: An Anthology of Life, Love and Sarcasm in the City of Light and Legacy: An Anthology. If you enjoy stories of encounters, family secrets and relationships, I think you'll enjoy Before Paris and Paris, Rue des Martyrs as well as my other work. Thanks for reading! Categories for Before Paris- Literary Fiction Drama - Literary Fiction Romance - Coming of Age Adventure - South American Fiction - Short Story Mysteries For readers of literary fiction, mysterious romance, France novels, Paris life, Paris lifestyle, South American fiction, coming of age adventure and coming of age fiction, and stories that explore relationships and love.
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