The Boys' Club

The Boys' Club How Our Group Helped Each Other Survive Divorce

This book is about The Boys' Club, an informal (really, accidental) group of men who gathered quite spontaneously to help each other. But who - once started - found an overwhelming need to continue the process of "being there" for each other. The individuals in the group were all suffering from the effects of marriages that were either already split or were about to be, and who all needed each others' help to learn how to survive, and eventually to recover. Over time, those of us in the club found that we came to depend on each other for caring, support and maybe even some criticism, and that was important. Every one of us had his own version of the same big problem, which was what brought us together and also what kept us together. All of us were alone (or about to be), and we needed some help to find out how to have and keep a successful relationship if we could find one again. We needed encouragement that such a thing was even possible. But we didn't even know all of that at first. What we did know was that we all were in deep pain. A big hole had been left in our lives where a good marriage and a happy family were supposed to be, but weren't. We had experienced what felt like a death in the family, but was, in fact, much worse - this was the death of the very foundation that was meant to support the way we would live our lives.
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