Eyes of the Void

Idris got really really annoying in this one. Like in the first book I enjoyed the representation of the nasty side of anxiety and how difficult it is to communicate verbally sometimes - and the frustration that you get from it - Tchaikovsky did an amazing job at making you feel that sort of helpless frustration and irritation. But in this one I just felt Idris was just listening to his ego. Like his main character complex had completely gone to his dead. Okay so now thats out of the way we can get onto the actually cool characters - like Ollie. Ollie deserves a whole series to herself. Like her character is very private but what we do see is so heartbreaking as well as just epic. The found family is strong with this series and I love it. This is a really great sequel for Shards of Earth and definitely doesn’t suffer from second book syndrome. The story progressed really naturally and stakes were definitely raised. I now can’t wait for book 3 !

This book appears on the shelf armenian-genocide