
Adrift Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea

The author recalls his seventy-six day ordeal adrift in the Atlantic Ocean in a five foot inflatable raft, after the sinking of his sailboat, recounting his problems surviving the weather, shark attacks, raft leaks, and food and water shortages. Reprint.
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Photo of Colleen
5 stars
Apr 15, 2023

5 Stars I come from a family of book lovers. But if we aren't reading books, you'll probably find us outside. Much of my childhood was spent in outdoor adventures both on land and on sea. So my parents taught me survival skills from a young age. Adrift was probably the book that my dad referenced the most often, so I was familiar with Callahan's story long before I ever read this book. If you did not guess from the title, Adrift is the true story of a man who, after his boat sinks, spends seventy-six days adrift in a tiny life raft. One might think that a guy sitting in a raft for seventy-six days might get monotonous, but this book is captivating and inspiring. I won't give away the details, but the all of the things that Callahan went through to survive were incredible. Having at least a passing knowledge of nautical terms is helpful when reading this book but not necessary. Callahan does a great job at making his narrative relatable to most people. This book is part memoir, part survival guide, and part contemplation on life. The technical descriptions and diagrams are balanced out by his lyrical writing style. It was a little odd at first that it was written in present tense, but it made the story come alive. I could hardly put it down. From the moments that made me laugh to the moments that made my eyes sting to the moments that made me reflect inwards, this book is truly a treasure. And Callahan tells it with a poetic profundity. “I am constantly surrounded by a display of natural wonders. The acrobatic dorados perform beneath ballets of fluffy white clouds. The clouds glide across the sky until they join at the horizon to form whirling, flaming sunsets that are slowly doused by nightfall. Then, as if the sun had suddenly crashed, thousands of glistening galaxies are flung out into deep black night. There is no bigger sky country than the sea. But I cannot enjoy the incredible beauty around me. It lies beyond my grasp, taunting me. Knowing it can be stolen from me at any time, by a Dorado or shark attack or by a deflating raft, I cannot relax and appreciate it. It is beauty surrounded by ugly fear. I write in my log that it is a view of heaven from a seat in hell.” I love survival stories, and have read many of them over the years. But Adrift is definitely one of my favorites. It is the story of someone who was tested physically, mentally, and emotionally and managed to turn that experience into something encouraging. Woven throughout his narrative is that strong spirit of survival that is the common thread in all survival stories. It is not just the will to survive but to take devastation and turn it into something that fuels your strength. “We cannot grow without challenge. Challenges routinely produce crises that severely test us. However, crises also offer us the greatest opportunities. People going through tough times typically feel isolated, and unsure what to do. When I face a crisis, I try to keep in mind a few simple concepts: we cannot control our destinies, but we can help to shape them; we must try to make life hop a bit, but we must also accept that we can only do the best we can.” RATING FACTORS: Ease of Reading: 5 Stars Writing Style: 5 Stars Entertainment Level: 5 Stars Attention to Details: 5 Stars Emotional Level: 5 Stars Plot Structure and Development: 5 Stars

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