Adults in the Room My Battle with the European and American Deep Establishment

An epic tale told from within a den of vipers, from the descent, to the battle, and through the aftermath. Unbelievable.

An extremely detailed postmortem of Varoufakis' attempts to fight Troika austerity. This book is absolutely packed with detail, while still retaining the pacing of a much lighter thriller. Beyond a great description of the technical and ideological bases of policy discussed at the Eurogroup meetings, Varoufakis paints the finance ministers, heads of state, and NGO managers with a welcome degree of nuance, not falling into facile depictions of these actors as "fundamentally good people" or "uncaring monsters". Particularly, I would not have expected to look upon Christine Lagarde and Wolfgang Schäuble with kindness, if not respect for their aspirations. Additionally, there is a surprising current of optimism permeating the narrative, in a way that restricts the feeling of hopelessness while not pulling any punches regarding the effects of austerity on the Greek people. Highly recommended as a way to contextualize the Greek debt crisis, with possible extensions towards Brexit and the future of the Euro.