
Molly M@molsmcq
audiobook bed time stories for molly :)

Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
Well, exactly what I expected, them good ol' fairy tales I grew up with! They're ok, I guess, a bit boring because of so many times in different kind of ways that've been read, but great for kids, so I'm going to give this one +1 star just for the nostalgia of it.

Ivy X@poisonivayy
Cute little stories and lessons -- some fell flat though. Still enjoyed it because it reminds me of when my English Prep teacher made us attempt to write our own story/lesson in this format. Quotes - Be not hasty to envy the condition of others. -We must make friends in prosperity, if we would have their help in adversity.

Brishti Basu@brish_ti



Alessandra Del Nero@alesdien

Tom Gregson@gregsonog

Lindsy Rice@lindsyrice



Natalie @thestarrybibliophile

The Rabid Geek@therabidg33k

Chrystal Giordano@kika91

Yan Aung@juni2or

Cat Josephson@themorrigan12

Matthew Royal@masyukun

Maria Flowers@mariaflowers

Shreya Punj@theeditorrecommends


James Miller@severian

Kayla Ndife@vulpeculahex

Cindy McKee@cindy-lou23

Caitlin Bohannon@waitingforoctober