After the Quake

After the Quake

For the characters in after the quake, the Kobe earthquake is an echo from a past they buried long ago. Satsuki has spent thirty years hating one man: did her desire for revenge cause the earthquake? Miyake left his family in Kobe to make midnight bonfires on a beach hundreds of miles away. Fourteen-year-old Sala has nightmares that the Earthquake Man is trying to stuff her inside a little box. Katagiri returns home to find a giant frog in his apartment on a mission to save Tokyo from a massive burrowing worm. 'When he gets angry, he causes earthquakes,' says Frog. 'And right now he is very, very angry. ** Murakami’s new novel is coming ** COLORLESS TSUKURU TAZAKI AND HIS YEARS OF PILGRIMAGE 'The reason why death had such a hold on Tsukuru Tazaki was clear. One day his four closest friends, the friends he’d known for a long time, announced that they did not want to see him, or talk with him, ever again.'
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Photo of Riley
3.5 stars
Sep 3, 2024

I have to stop doing this

Photo of kayla
kayla @kayellng
4 stars
Mar 14, 2024


Photo of Frederik De Bosschere
Frederik De Bosschere@freddy
4 stars
Mar 12, 2024

At this point, Murakami stories have become my calming tea.

Photo of Pasha Avindra
Pasha Avindra@avestra
3.5 stars
Feb 5, 2024

a prototype of murakami’s following books

Photo of Haritlak Thawikasikam
Haritlak Thawikasikam@haritread
5 stars
Jan 6, 2024

My favorite one is the fire camping and a boy who love Pearl Jam

Photo of Midori Kobayashi
Midori Kobayashi@snortingpages
4 stars
Jan 22, 2023

some of these stories hit right on the spot,,, typical Murakami jam <3

Photo of Nick Gracilla
Nick Gracilla@ngracilla
4 stars
Jan 16, 2023

This is a great introduction to Murakami's unique voice. At once lyrical, concise, fantastic, unsettling: these six short stories will pleasantly haunt your thoughts well after you've finished reading them.

Photo of Pavonini
4 stars
Sep 25, 2022

It's a long time since I've read a Murakami, and I'd forgotten how much I love his books. These were beautiful short stories, poignant and complete. He's so good at painting a living portrait with people you can understand almost immediately. I don't know how he does it. Excellent.

Photo of 雪 xue
雪 xue@snow
4 stars
Jul 25, 2022

kitschy hypnotic spiritual frog erotica

Photo of Sarah Escorsa
Sarah Escorsa@shrimpy
2 stars
Mar 8, 2022

I just finished reading these stories and I must say that, of all the Murakami books I've read, this is my least favourite. I was never able to get into the stories and found them quite boring. Murakami's writing style is still as impeccable as ever but it just wasn't enough...

Photo of Milk
2 stars
Mar 8, 2022

There was only one of the short stories that I really enjoyed, whilst the others remained good, but to me - not overwhelmingly good. They didn't make much of an impression besides being written well.

Photo of Caroline Mao
Caroline Mao@northcaroline
4 stars
Mar 5, 2022

oh WOW. definitely the best short story collection ive ever read (ive read like 2.5 but thats not the point). eep it was just really good. surreal in its murakami way and Very Good and im glad it ended on a happy note :o

Photo of Carina Almeida
Carina Almeida@caaeraa
3 stars
Feb 24, 2022

The last story was the best

Photo of Šárka Vomelová
Šárka Vomelová@vsarv

I'm not sure how to rate this yet but I really enjoyed the short stories thailand and honey pie. The others were not my favourites really, although they were definitely very intriguing and well written, which was no surprise to me. This is the first short story collection by Murakami that I've read so I cannot really say much. But so far I've enjoyed his novels much more. However, I'm surely going to pick up another short story collection soon.

Photo of Kath Lau
Kath Lau@kath_reads
4 stars
Nov 18, 2021

The 1995 Kobe earthquake is the backdrop of the six stories in this collection. The characters are not directly affected by the earthquake but it makes a huge change and impact on their lives. My favorites are Thailand, Super-Frog Saves Tokyo, and Honey Pie.

Photo of Katherine
3 stars
Nov 3, 2021

I'm a big fan of Murakami, and I have to say this is probably the least interesting of his works that I've read. I really liked the thematic connection of the work and I thought it was an interesting and unique way of tying the stories together, but UFO in Kushiro and Super Frog Saves Tokyo are the only stories that really stuck with me at all after reading.

Photo of Mario Menti
Mario Menti @mario
4.5 stars
Oct 15, 2021
Photo of Ben Nathan
Ben Nathan@benreadssff
4 stars
Sep 15, 2021

Wonderfully written, as all of his stuff is. Some stories I was totally into, some I was just ok with. All said and done, a good read.

Photo of Sonia Flores
Sonia Flores@soniareads
4 stars
Aug 29, 2021

Solo he leído dos títulos de Murakami y todavía no estoy segura acerca de él. Su narrativa es muy ligera y me gusta, pero en ocasiones (y hasta ahora me ha pasado con sus dos libros, no sé sobre los que vaya a leer después) me inquietan algunas escenas que parecen dispuestas ahí porque sí. O sea, como que sus libros siempre tienen que tener esas escenas extrañas y casi absurdas de sexo que no me llegan a cuadrar muy bien y sobre otros temas que... bueno, yo qué sé, esta cultura en general se me hace un poquito rara, pero sin ir más allá... Quedémonos con que pese a que la literatura asiática no es lo mío, Murakami se las trae. Ahora, sus personajes, aunque bastante excéntricos en su mayoría, suelen ser bastante profundos, y esas reflexiones existenciales de vez en cuando me llegan, otras simplemente me gustan. En fin, que su manera de narrar las cosas es muy suave y tranquila que provoca leer y termino pronto con sus obras. Este en particular me ha gustado bastante por la variedad de escenarios y cómo logra que la trama no sea lo primordial para el lector. El personaje lo es. El desenvolvimiento, lo irreal de sus vivencias pese a lo común de ellas. Es todo muy fascinante. Lo curioso es que es taaan (sí, con tres "a") común lo que cuenta, que no acabo de explicarme por qué atrapa tanto, si incluso a veces se me antoja cliché. Y acabo enredada con mi propia reseña reiterando lo que al principio mencioné. Todavía no estoy cien por cien segura, pero y qué. Me ha gustado mucho. Lo que sea. Que alguien me ayude.

Photo of Yeldah Yousfi
Yeldah Yousfi@yeldahyousfi
3 stars
Aug 28, 2021

“No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself.” This is my second Murakami novel and it was filled with story stories, all which were surreal and fascinating. There wasn’t much plot in the novels but rather a board for his characters to exist in. His characters were kinda weird for my taste but some of them were interesting to read about even though you don’t like the character. “The whole terrible fight occurred in the area of imagination. That is the precise location of our battlefield. It is there, that we experience our victories and defeats.” Overall: It was weird, magical, and surreal with a touch of contemporary. It’s a perfect read for first starting with Murakami’s novels. Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Photo of amy isabella
amy isabella@bbyhcomb
3.5 stars
Jan 25, 2025
Photo of Aurore
3 stars
Jul 29, 2024
Photo of Mike Cavey
Mike Cavey@cavey
3.5 stars
Jan 23, 2024
Photo of Thaddeus Cortez
Thaddeus Cortez@kilgore
3 stars
Jan 19, 2024