Celestial Monsters

I might go back and change this later. This was cute and lighthearted, like the first one, but I don’t think I was in the mood for YA. There were some parts that were just verryyyyy juvenile — like borderline middle grade — and it annoyed me at points because it didn’t fit the seriousness of the plot. Honestly I think this could pass as a middle grade book if it wasn’t for the occasional cursing. Some parts were rushed for the sake of convenience. However, it still warms my heart how inclusive this world is — both racially as well as gender and sexual identity — and it brings me joy to know that young people have a book like this to read. I was definitely left wanting more, but I still think this just might be a case of me being older than the target demographic.

I wish I had re-read The Sunbearer Trials before reading this one, because after a couple years I forgot who most of the characters are. That being said, I still enjoyed this book overall, and Aiden Thomas is quickly becoming an author whose books I will always pick up. Reading their books feels like watching a movie, and it is always a fun time.
I will say I remember the first book having tighter pacing than this one; there were a couple of meandering plot points that made sense by the end, but in the moment reading them I was anxious for the story to advance.
Overall this was a satisfying conclusion to this duology, although I would recommend refreshing yourself on the events of the first book before diving in to this one.

I read The Sunbearer Trials almost two years ago I think and was super excited to get a chance to finish the duo logy early!
If you loved the characters in the previous book, you get to know those characters even better. Some of the side characters become main characters while also trying to save the world. I love the discussions about how the world that they live in isn't catered to the humans, but the gods and their children.
If you love Percy Jackson, but want more of a twist on that world with own voices latinx characters and world building, along with trans, non binary, and multiple queer relationships, this is a great duo logy to pick up.