Zionism: David become Goliath

Zionism: David become Goliath

Alan Hart2009
The Real Goliath, Volume II of Hart's multi-volume work, ZIONISM, THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS, reveals in well-documented detail starting from 1948 how the assertion that Israel has lived in constant danger of annihilation, of the driving into the sea of its Jews, is little more than Zionist propaganda. What really was the case, after Israel unilaterally declared itself to be in existence, was that the Arab armies did not have the abilityneither the numbers nor the weaponsto defeat Israels forces. Despite some stupid Arab rhetoric to the contrarya propaganda gift for Zionism of which it has made extensive and ongoing usethe Arab regimes had no intention of even trying to destroy Israel. They were quickly at one with Zionism and the major powers in wanting the Palestine file to remain closed after Israels first victory on the battlefield. There was not supposed to have been a regeneration of Palestinian nationalism: for them, Arafats real crime was making this happen. Here, too, is the riveting story of how Zionism, assisted by deluded British Prime Minister Eden and Americas hawks, conned the Western world into believing that Eygpts President Nasser was an enemy of the West when actually he was seeking an accommodation with Israel from almost his first days in power, and wanted more than anything else a relationship with America on equal terms with that of Israel. Hart also takes us inside the struggle of the first and last American president, Eisenhower, to attempt to contain Zionism, and President Kennedys unsuccessful attempt to prevent the Zionist state acquiring an atom bomb (an acquisition still unadmitted by either the US or Israel, to this very day). But most importantly, Volume II records a turning point: the story of the defe
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