Zionism: The false Messiah

Zionism: The false Messiah

Alan Hart2009
This 3 volume work is a monumental history of the Israel-Palestine conflict by a seasoned reporter with a vast first-hand knowledge of the Middle East. It is the first book ever to put the struggle for Palestine into its global contextto show how all the pieces of a complicated jig-saw puzzle fit together. It's also the first ever account of events to empathize with both sides: with the real fear of diaspora Jews of Holocaust II; and with the Palestinian right to justice and self-determination, and the anger of the Arab masses at American support for Zionism right or wrong that led to the corruption and repression of the regimes of the existing Arab Order who, fearing harsher Israeli assaults, tried to contain both. As a former BBC Panorama and ITN Middle East correspondent, Alan Hart knew and interviewed most of the main players in the Israel-Palestine conflict (Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan, Shimon Peres, Yasser Arafat and other PLO leaders, George Habash, Nasser, King Hussein of Jordan, King Feisal of Saudi Arabia, and many others). He also displays a firm grasp of the written record, whether official documents and reports, the memoirs of politicians and officials, or the findings of key scholars, both mainstream and revisionist. He quotes from many anti-Zionist Jewsincluding Jehoshafat Harkabi, the longest serving Director of Israeli Military Intelligence, Albert Lillienthal, Lenni Brenner, and Ralph Schoenman. Hart examines the key events that mark the history of Zionism in great detail the early Zionist relations with UK, German and US governments, the belabored process leading toTruman's recognition of the State of Israel, Kennedy's efforts to prevent Israeli nuclear development, andthe Zionist crafting of the 1967 and Yom Kippur warsdrawing on personal insights, interviews,
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