Albert Cohen, Jean-Louis Merrien, Larry L. Schumaker
Curve and Surface Fitting
Saint-Malo 2002

Curve and Surface Fitting Saint-Malo 2002

These two volumes contain a selection of papers presented at the Saint-Malo Conference on Approximation Theory in July 1999. Each contains several invited survey papers written by experts in the field, along with contributed research papers. They will be of great interest to mathematicians, engineers, and computer scientists working in the fields of Approximation Theory, Computer-Aided Geometric Design (CAGD), Computer Graphics, Numerical Analysis, CAD/CAM, and application areas. Curve and Surface Design includes the following topics: -- B-bases -- canal surfaces -- conics -- curvature -- discrete fairing -- free form surfaces -- G2-splines -- highlight lines -- involute curves -- multisided patches -- NURBs and NURPs -- offsets -- ray tracing -- ruled surfaces -- sculptured surfaces -- segmentation methods -- shape preservation -- texture -- voronoi diagrams
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