Diagnostic Imaging of Infections and Inflammatory Diseases A Multidiscplinary Approach
Thoroughly and systematically presents the state-of-the-art inthe diagnostic uses of radiologic imaging and nuclear medicine inthe diagnosis and management of infectious and inflammatorydiseases Although our understanding of microorganisms has advancedsignificantly and antimicrobial therapy has become increasinglyavailable, infection remains a major cause of patient morbidity andmortality. Imaging of infection and inflammation provides a classicexample of radiology and nuclear medicine’s strengths as wellas weaknesses in the discovery and diagnosis of disease.Fortunately, the weaknesses are subsiding as new studies andtechniques point to better planning and precision in the use ofsingle and combined imaging modalities. Diagnostic Imaging of Infections and Inflammatory Diseases: AMultidisciplinary Approach deals with the very latestdevelopments in the use of radiologic techniques and modalities inthe management of patients with a host of infectious andinflammatory diseases. Tremendously timely and useful, thisinnovative, multidisciplinary book covers a wide range of topics inthree parts: PART 1: Infections and Host Response Epidemiology of Infections in the New Century Bacterial Osteomyelitis: the Clinician Point of View PART 2: Radiological Imaging Radiological Imaging of Osteomyelitis Radiological Imaging of Spine Infection Radiological Imaging of Soft Tissue Infections Radiological Imaging of Abdominal Infections and InflammatoryDisease Radiological Imaging of Vascular Graft Infection Radiological Imaging of TB and HIV PART 3: Nuclear Medicine Imaging Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Infections: Techniques, AcquisitionProtocols, and Interpretation Criteria Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Osteomyelitis: WBC, MonoclonalAntibody, or Bacterial Imaging? Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Spondylodiscitis: The Emerging Roleof PET Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Soft Tissue Infections Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Infections and InflammatoryDiseases of the Abdomen Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Vascular Graft Infections: TheAdded Role of Hybrid Imaging Nuclear Medicine Imaging of TB and HIV Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Fever of Unknown Origin Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Inflammatory Diseases Along with carefully developed clinical cases describing themanagement of patients with inflammation and infection,Diagnostic Imaging of Infections and Inflammatory Diseasesis an ideal guide for radiologists and nuclear medicine physiciansas well as clinical specialists from many other fields.