Washington Babylon

Washington Babylon

Washington Babylon describes in shocking detail the corruption of the political establishment, Republicans and Democrats alike. Journey through Babylon's darkest regions, and you will learn how Babylon's millionaire journalists connived to deny money to disabled children; how House Speaker Newt Gingrich really spells F-A-M-I-L-Y V-A-L-U-E-S, and how he spent his student days at Tulane campaigning for sex photos in a student newspaper; how Commerce Secretary Ron Brown lobbied for Haitian monster "Baby Doc" Duvalier and Guatemalan torturers; how the co-director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory searched for Atlantis, tried to train dolphins in ESP, suspected aliens were impregnating earth women; how Big Oil's tax-exempt foundations bought up the green elite while reaping millions from rape-and-pillage investments; how 80,000 lobbyists have bought out Babylon; and how Bill and Hillary Clinton struck a devil's pact with Big Money nearly twenty years ago.
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