
Got me a good 100 pages to get into the story but after that I could hardly put it down. This book was on my to read least for at least the last 10 years since I asked my late Grandmother what should I read. I don't think a year went by without her asking if I had read it, so reading it is kinda my way of honouring her memory. Funny that what I hate in all the movie adaptations - the beginning - is also what I didn't love in the book. I always found "prison parts" the most interesting no matter the movie - be it the 2000's adaption with young Henry Cavill or the mini series with Gérard Depardieu. Can't wait to start the second book, in a way it's a blessing that I'm on bed rest because of my ankle, I have all the time to read without procrastinating other important stuff.

"Peut-être ce que je vais vous dire vous paraîtra-t-il étrange, à vous, messieurs les socialistes, les progressifs, les humanitaires; mais je ne m'occupe jamais de mon prochain, mais je n'essaye jamais de protéger la société qui ne me protège pas, et, je dirai même plus, qui généralement ne s'occupe de moi que pour me nuire; et en les supprimant de mon estime, et en gardant la neutralité vis-à-vis d'eux, c'est encore la société et mon prochain qui me doivent du retour." "J’ai dans le coeur trois sentiments avec lesquels on ne s’ennuie jamais : de la tristesse, de l’amour, de la reconnaissance."