Alien Anthology

Alien Anthology Alien Encounters and Area 51 - 2 Books In 1

ALIEN ANTHOLOGY: Alien Encounters and Area 51 - 2 Books in 1 Featuring... *Alien Encounters*Area 51 2 Great Books in 1! Alien Encounters Since the dawn of time humans have recorded strange objects in the sky. From the scribes of Pharaoh Thutmose III in 1440 B.C.E. who recorded seeing fiery disks in the sky to the ancient Greeks, the general Timoleon claimed that when at sea a fiery torch in the sky had guided his fleet safely home, and the Romans, both Livy and Pliny the Elder record strange lights and shapes in the sky, people have looked up and thought "what on earth is that?"As time has progressed and literacy has become more common reports of sightings in the sky have not only increased but have also become more detailed. As our understanding of the night sky and space has grown; many of these sightings have found explanations in the form of stars, planets or meteor showers. Some however are yet to be satisfactorily explained. Throughout the following chapters we will be looking at some of the best known and most intriguing alien encounters from all over the world. Area 51 Since the Roswell Incident of 1947 rumors have circulated of alien spacecraft and alien bodies being recovered by government officials. While these claims relate primarily to Roswell they are sometimes attributed to other incidents as well. Many people who believe that the government is hiding the recovery of alien spacecraft and bodies also think that autopsies were carried out on the recovered alien bodies. The location of these autopsies is often thought to be the highly secretive base in the Nevada desert known as Area 51. However other theories claim that the crafts and alien bodies are stored at the less well-known Hanger 18 at the Wright-Patterson Airfield Base. For years the prospect of video footage, documents or photographs existing of these alien autopsies has tantalized believers and sceptics alike. In 1995 a sensational 17-minute film was broadcast supposedly showing these autopsies. However many contends that it is just another hoax. This video is not the only piece of evidence that has been produced purporting to show an alien autopsy. Many other images and stills from films have also been produced and debunked over the years. Over the next few chapters we will look at the main locations, events and stories that inevitably arise whenever people talk about alien autopsies.
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