Alien: Echo An Original Young Adult Novel of the Alien Universe

I enjoyed this story, but wasn't a new favorite.. Olivia and her family are living on this planet, she has a twin sister named Violet who has always been sick. One day Oliva throws a party, asking the girl who she has a crush on (who recently kissed her) to invite some of her friends over. Her father is off planet looking into a ship that was recently bought by the planets government, and her mom is off in the woods doing her job, which I can't remember exactly what her parents do. but it involves cataloging local wildlife, and plantlife. When her father sends a transmission that something has gone wrong. Something was on the ship, and its killed everyone including himself. and stolen the shuttle taking it back down to the planet.. Violet runs off to find their mom, and Olivia and a couple others go after her.. The rest of the story is Olivia, Violet, and Kora struggling to survive long enough to find her parent ship, and get off the planet.. The creatures that killed the people on the ship, end up killing mostly everyone and everything they come across. The people not immediately killed are used to incubate the eggs or whatever it lays.until they can hatch.. There were def. some unexpected thing that happened, but it just kind of ended after they trio make it to the ship and launch into space.. I really wanted for there to be more... and to keep going.. It leaves off with them having a lot of injuries, and just sending out a beacon for some one to come rescue them, cause their ship isn't meant to travel for really long distances. and warning them not to land on the planet.. like WHAT HAPPENED? WERE THEY RESCUED? I NEED TO KNOW...

2.5⭐ That's an odd little book... not bad, even if a bit annoying at times. It's just that I know that Mira Grant can do so much better 🤷🏻♀️