All Systems Red
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All Systems Red The Murderbot Diaries

Martha Wells2017
Winner: 2017 Nebula Award for Best Novella Winner: 2018 Alex Award Finalist: 2017 Hugo Award for Best Novella One of the Verge's Best Books of 2017 A New York Times Bestseller A murderous android discovers itself in All Systems Red, a tense science fiction adventure by Martha Wells that interrogates the roots of consciousness through Artificial Intelligence. "As a heartless killing machine, I was a complete failure." In a corporate-dominated spacefaring future, planetary missions must be approved and supplied by the Company. Exploratory teams are accompanied by Company-supplied security androids, for their own safety. But in a society where contracts are awarded to the lowest bidder, safety isn’t a primary concern. On a distant planet, a team of scientists are conducting surface tests, shadowed by their Company-supplied ‘droid — a self-aware SecUnit that has hacked its own governor module, and refers to itself (though never out loud) as “Murderbot.” Scornful of humans, all it really wants is to be left alone long enough to figure out who it is. But when a neighboring mission goes dark, it's up to the scientists and their Murderbot to get to the truth.
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Photo of ky
4 stars
Mar 14, 2025

really solid read. other readers are right in that this is basically just a long introduction to the character + world, but i think the rest of the series will only get better! secunit is also hilarious i cant wait to read more of its bitchy comments 😭

Photo of Frederik De Bosschere
Frederik De Bosschere@freddy
3 stars
Mar 10, 2025

Murderbot is an amusing character. But the story is more of a vignette, and didn't have much meat to the bone. It's enjoyable, but in a popcorn way.

Photo of Nik ✨
Nik ✨@nixter
3 stars
Mar 1, 2025

While I really like the premise and the character of Murderbot itself, I was left wanting more, which is almost always my issue with novellas. I was interested in expanding the world as well as Murderbot’s backstory. I liked the humorous and sarcastic aspect of it, but I do think the tension of some of the situations could’ve been leaned into a bit more. The climax and ending fell a little flat for me — another thing I wish had been drawn out a bit.

Photo of Hannah Bateman
Hannah Bateman@hjbat
4 stars
Feb 27, 2025

It was a great break from the heavy/long fantasy novels I’ve been reading. Murderbot is great and incredibly relatable.

Photo of Emily McMeans
Emily McMeans@emilymcmeans
4.5 stars
Feb 2, 2025

So good, we well contained, and the deep first person was pulled off fantastically.

Photo of jen
5 stars
Jan 16, 2025

THIS BOOOOOOK, i knew within 2 pages i was going to love it and that held true to the end. ive never been so mad that i have to wait probably months for the library to get the next book for me. this book is a perfect example of why i adore sci fi, its silly but its SO deep too and of course i find myself relating to this robot that doesn’t know its place in life. beautiful found family in such a short book, love love love

Photo of Amelia Hruby
Amelia Hruby@ameliajo
4 stars
Jan 16, 2025

Hell yeah murderbot. I liked how this stayed scifi but strayed toward speculative fiction. Just enough mystery to move the plot forward and lots of snarky humor!

Photo of Mirror
3 stars
Dec 31, 2024

I didn't really think much about this book. It wasn't bad, but I didn't really vibe with it, which is so odd to me because I usually love these types of books. It has all the elements that I normally such as a mystery, a silly main character, and an ominous entity type of antagonnist. Despite all of that, I didn't quite enjoy it as much as I thought I would. However, I thought murderbot to be quite hilarious since it just wants to be left alone to watch its shows, which is quite a mood. I thought that the concept of the overseeing corporate to be quite interesting, and it's probably fleshed out more in the other books, but unfortunately, I wasn't hooked by this.

Photo of Genevieve
Genevieve @laviedegin
4 stars
Dec 25, 2024

“It calls itself ‘Murderbot,’”
“That was private.”

4 ⭐

This was a fun novella and an interesting introduction to this series. We follow a SecUnit - a security bot - who has been rented out by a scientific team who are surveying a planet. Its job is to protect the scientists and their habitat while they work, but as Murderbot puts it, it really does a half-assed job most of the time, and that's mostly because it's hacked its governor module which usually controls it. Murderbot is a free agent, a robot with autonomy, who chooses to keep doing the job it has been assigned because it's found that it actually doesn't mind the humans in this team, but still suffers from social anxiety while doing so. All Systems Red was entertaining and witty, and a fairly no-nonsense, no frills attached sci-fi mystery that kept me interested for the most part, but was also lacking in other areas too.

I found Murderbot itself funny and relatable, even for an android that doesn't really have human emotions as such. We learn that it does have feelings though, and emotions of it's own sort, including not wanting to be perceived, difficulty with eye contact, wanting to spend time watching TV series instead of working and the want to protect and help the people in its team. The rest of the characters were quite one dimensional though, they didn't really have a chance to be developed into unique personalities and I couldn't really tell them apart in such a short book, but I could see how they would eventually become fully fleshed out if this was a longer book. The setting was interesting although also quite flat, there was some interest and action surrounding a creature they named Hostile One and other groups of humans that were also on planet surveying but we didn't really learn a lot about the planet. There was a little bit of background world building too, but not really enough to fully immerse yourself in the story - which is understandable for a novella, but meant that I didn't really connect with the story. The speed at which the plot moves made this really easy to read, but also meant the mystery felt a bit rushed and I personally think the book spent too much time getting into the specifics of the Systems and technical details, which I feel bogged down the storyline at times.

But overall, this was a good quick read and I will definitely be reading the rest in the series because I have heard a lot of good things about it, plus I want to read more sci-fi in 2025. The story left on a bit of a cliff-hanger, so I definitely interested to find out what happens next with Murderbot and how that ending ties in with the rest of the series. I would recommend this book if you enjoy sci-fi already, and make sure you check your trigger warning because the is some violence and darker themes even in such a short span of time.

Photo of anya
4 stars
Jul 27, 2024

robot icon i fear

Photo of Kirsten Simkiss
Kirsten Simkiss@vermidian
4.5 stars
May 31, 2024

This was a lot of fun and I can see how it would translate well for screen! I binge read this all in one evening, though to be fair it is shorter than the average book that I read at only 149 pages, not including the preview for the second book.

The murderbot is so fucking awkward. I love it and also desperately want to teach it how to not make facial expressions. With hacking his chip, he also apparently turned off incognito mode which it DESPERATELY seems to need.

The mystery and drama was quite well developed, and I think the show will do better than the novella did at differentiating the different scientists - several of whom were mostly background characters. The important ones are very distinct though and I look forward to seeing who they cast and how they act out their roles.

I will definitely be looking into later installations of the Murderbot series of books.

Photo of Barbara
3.5 stars
May 27, 2024

I am not an SF person but I liked the Murderbot character so ….despite the plot that I find confusing most of the times, I will surely read the second one.

Book read for the 2d time. More interesting than the 1st time.

Photo of kit
4 stars
May 26, 2024

this was fun to blow through in a few hours i love murderbot perhaps i will continue this series when i need a quick read

Photo of lerie
3.75 stars
Apr 27, 2024

SHORT AND CHARMING! it did take me a week to finish it since i was in a mini-slump, but quality-wise, i have nothing to complain about this book. go read this if you’re into atmospheric sci-fi/dystopian settings, thrilling space adventures, or if you'd just like to watch a security robot go through an existential crisis.

Photo of Rebeca Keren Nuñez
Rebeca Keren Nuñez@rebecanunez
3 stars
Apr 5, 2024

"All Systems Red" de Martha Wells es una obra que desafía las convenciones del género de la ciencia ficción al ofrecer una nueva perspectiva sobre la inteligencia artificial y la humanidad. Esta novela forma parte de la galardonada serie "The Murderbot Diaries" y sigue las aventuras de un androide de seguridad autónomo conocido como "Murderbot". La historia se desarrolla en un futuro distante, donde los humanos han colonizado diversos planetas y confían en inteligencias artificiales para su protección y operaciones. Murderbot, una IA autónoma con un pasado oscuro y una aversión a los humanos, se encuentra asignado a una misión de investigación en un planeta desconocido. A medida que la historia avanza, Murderbot se ve obligado a enfrentarse a sus propios prejuicios y a cuestionar su propia humanidad mientras lucha por proteger a sus compañeros humanos de una amenaza desconocida. Lo que hace que "All Systems Red" sea tan impactante es su enfoque único en el personaje de Murderbot. Aunque técnicamente es una máquina, su narrativa interna revela una complejidad emocional sorprendente y una lucha interna entre su programación y sus propios deseos. Wells logra crear un personaje cautivador y profundamente humano, a pesar de su naturaleza artificial, y su voz distintiva y sarcástica cautiva al lector desde el principio. Además de su personaje memorable, "All Systems Red" ofrece una trama emocionante y llena de acción que mantiene al lector en vilo hasta la última página. La exploración de temas como la identidad, la libertad y la empatía añade una capa de profundidad a la historia, haciéndola accesible y relevante para lectores de todas las edades. En resumen, "All Systems Red" es una obra maestra de la ciencia ficción moderna que combina una trama emocionante con un personaje memorable y una exploración profunda de temas universales. Martha Wells ha creado una novela que cautivará tanto a los fanáticos del género como a aquellos que buscan una historia convincente y reflexiva sobre lo que significa ser humano en un mundo dominado por la tecnología.

Photo of Luke Harkness
Luke Harkness@lukesblog1
4 stars
Apr 4, 2024

Wonderful little science fiction tal This is my first novella. Why all books aren't this long, I don't know. We wouldn't come to expect so much from them every time of they were. As a result, this short and wonderful little story managed to pack in one story (as opposed to many sprawling or multiple highs and lows) that kept me interested whilst also delivering some emotion. If you're a sci fi (or fantasy) fan and looking for a quick read, would highly recommend.

Photo of Michael Knepprath
Michael Knepprath@mknepprath
4 stars
Apr 4, 2024

A fun romp. Could envision this taking place in the Alien universe, which is cool.

Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
5 stars
Mar 25, 2024

All I can say is I want to protect murderbot at all costs, no one touch him please. And if you haven't please let yourself read this super short and fun novella, you won't regret it.

Photo of Michaela Hudson
Michaela Hudson@mimiisreading
4 stars
Mar 14, 2024

Me reading this: "lol just adopt the bot already" Dr. Mensah: *adopts the bot* Me: 👁👄👁

Photo of Sonia Grgas
Sonia Grgas@sg911911
4 stars
Feb 23, 2024


Photo of wen
4 stars
Feb 23, 2024

This was fun! I feel like my expectations were inflated but it was still an enjoyable, short story.

Photo of Jenny Engel
Jenny Engel@jennifer975
4 stars
Feb 18, 2024

Short and fun. Will continue the series.

Photo of Katy Watkins
Katy Watkins@katy
4.5 stars
Feb 18, 2024

Socially-anxious android just wants to watch their shows and for everyone to not pay attention to them or try to talk to them about their feelings, but is embroiled in a dangerous situation with humans they actually want to save. It’s a delight, highly recommend.

Photo of Bethany s.
Bethany s. @leetleuhm
4 stars
Feb 3, 2024

Really cute and lovable, which is not what I would expect from a robot. And I guess that’s the whole point :)


Photo of jen

"It calls itself Murderbot" Gurathin said. I opened my eyes and looked at him; I couldn't stop myself. From their expressions I knew everything I felt was showing on my face, and I hate that. I grated out, "That was private"

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Photo of jen

I don't know what I want. I said that at some point, I think. But it isn't that, it's that I don't want anyone to tell me what I want, or to make decisions for me. That's why I left you, Dr. Mensah, my favorite human. By the time you get this I'll be leaving Corporation Rim. Out of inventory and out of sight. Murderbot end message.

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Photo of nic

we throw ourselves at the target and try to kill the shit out of it

not my usual highlight but LOLLLL

Photo of nic

[...] you may have noticed that when I do manage to care, I’m a pessimist.

Photo of nic

[...] and despite everything I only have two hands.

real and true

Photo of anya

He said, "Good news! Dr. Mensah has permanently bought your contract! You're coming home with us !" That was a surprise.


Photo of Jiji

I don’t know what I want. I said that at some point, I think. But it isn't that, it's that I don't want anyone to tell me what I want, or to make decisions for me.

Page 149
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