Health Promoting Palliative Care

Health Promoting Palliative Care

Health promotion has traditionally focused on illness prevention, targeting the fit and well. But what about those who live with life-threatening or terminal illness? Health -Promoting Palliative Care proposes a model of care that goes beyond simply providing care in the final stages of lifeand draws on critical and participatory principles from both palliative care and health promotion. Emphasising early intervention and a social approach to the problems and experiences of dying, it encourages service providers, family members, and the dying themselves to seek ways to promoteemotional, social, and spiritual well-being, as well as physical health. The book begins by looking at the ways in which health promotion can be introduced to palliative care. It goes on to outline the goals and practice principles of a health promoting palliative care. Later chapters addresspractice strategies relevant to health and death education, social supports, interpersonal reorientation, and environmental and policy development. Health Promoting Palliative Care is a valuable, practical, and accessible resource for practitioners working alone or in health care institutions, forstudents of the health sciences, social work, or pastoral care, and for those working in policy areas.
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