From Business Cards to Business Relationships

From Business Cards to Business Relationships Personal Branding and Profitable Networking Made Easy

Want to supercharge your life? Effective networking is theanswer and this book will teach you how. Professionals of all stripes and ages are told to 'get outthere' and network so they can build their careers, grow theirbusinesses and elevate their influence in the community, but theyare rarely taught the skills to do that. Most people are lost,intimidated by the idea of presenting their own personal brand, andfrustrated when it comes to networking. Despite long hours atevents and attempts to make the right connections, theyaren’t seeing their desired results. From Business Cards to Business Relationships is astart-to-finish guide that demystifies the networking process andteaches readers how to truly benefit from getting connected.Allison Graham provides an easy to follow road map that isadaptable to your personality, circumstances and growth goals. Youwill learn how to strategically decide where to go, what to do whenyou get there and what to do afterwards to turn those casualbusiness card contacts into meaningful relationships. Allison'sapproach is based on the Four Pillars of Profitable Networking:Perspective, Personal Brand, Procedures, and a Strategic Plan. This is a prescriptive, practical system based on the author'sreal-life experience of going from unconnected to connected in ashort period of time. No cheesy gimmicks or high-pressure nonsense,just the skills and knowledge that will create success for anyonewilling to do the work and follow this advice. Regardless of yourpast experience or current level of connectivity, your industry orprofession, whether you're an entrepreneur or climbing thecorporate ladder: you can accomplish whatever you want by meetingand connecting with the right people. From Business Cardsto Business Relationships gives you the tools you need tocement a positive personal brand and build your own profitablenetwork. Praise for From Business Cards to BusinessRelationships "Allison Graham can help you turn an introduction into abusiness, a dinner into a relationship, and an average practiceinto world class. I've long preached that we're in a relationshipbusiness, and this book provides the handshakes, codes, actions,and routes to master those relationships." —Alan Weiss, PhD, Author of Million DollarConsulting and The Consulting Bible "At last—a networking book that actually makes sense!Allison Graham's four pillars of networking are as simple as theyare powerful. If you are willing to follow her lead with consistentand persistent effort, you will make your mark and expand yourhorizons both personally and professionally." —Lou Heckler, Humorous Business Keynote Speaker andSpeech Coach "This book is an excellent and much-needed resource to sharewith the business community." —PJ Hartson, Business Editor, Sun Media
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