Allora & Calzadilla

Allora & Calzadilla stop, repair, prepare: Variationen zur Ode "An die Freude" für ein präpariertes Klavier

In the former honorary hall of Haus der Kunst, Allora Calzadilla present a work that addresses the history of this space - the venue of Hitler's notorious speeches on cultural policies. At the centre is the fourth movement of Beethoven's Symphony No.9: The Choral. Apart from many other - ideologically contradictory - contexts, the Ode to Joy was held in high esteem by the Nazi regime and played on Hitler's birthday. Allora Calzadilla are interested in the inner contradictions of the composition and the use and misuse of music. A pianist stands in the middle of a prepared piano into which a hole was sawed - he plays the keyboard from the inside, as it were, so that the composition is varied. This book is an integral part of the work, in which the artists publish their entire researched material. English and German text.
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