Alphonse de Lamartine
Atheism Among the People
There Is a God

Atheism Among the People There Is a God

At last - a book proving the validity of Christianity for atheists. "To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic." "Listen to Danton, upon the platform of the scaffold, one step from God and immortality:--"I have enjoyed much; let me go to sleep," he says;--then, to the executioner, "You will show my head to the People; it is worth while!" Annihilation for a confession of faith; vanity for his last sigh: such is the Frenchman of these latter days! What do you think of the religious sentiment of a free People, whose great characters seem to walk thus in procession to annihilation; and die, without even death, that terrible minister, recalling to their minds the fear or the promises of God? Thus the Republic,--which had no future,--reared by these men, and mere parties, was quickly overthrown in blood. Liberty, achieved by so much heroism and genius, did not find in France a conscience to shelter it, a God to avenge it, a People to defend it, against that other Atheism called Glory! All was finished by a soldier, and by the apostacy of republicans travestied into courtiers! And what could you expect? Republican Atheism has no reason to be heroic. If it is terrified, it yields. Would one buy it, it sells itself; it would be most foolish to sacrifice itself. Who would mourn for it?--the People are ungrateful, and God does not exist. Thus end atheistic revolutions!"
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