Amanda's Wedding

Amanda's Wedding

Jenny Colgan — 2002
Melanie and Fran are two charmingly wisecracking young Londoners who simply can't believe it when their old schoolfriend Amanda, Satan's own PR agent, manages to get herself hitched to a laird (Scottish for lord). Who cares that Fraser McConnel has worn the same ratty Converse sneakers for years and that his castle is really a pile of rubble -- all the social -climbing queen of preen cares about is the title she'll soon have. She's got Fraser by the nuptials, and she has no intention of letting go. Gentle, decent Fraser is completely innocent Amanda's wiles, so Mel and Fran, still smarting from Amanda's evil misdeeds years ago in school, join forces with Fraser's adorable younger brother Angus to sabotage the mismatch of the century. Between fighting off the attentions of a love-crazed accountant, dealing with a ne'er-do-well rockstar wannabe boyfriend, keeping Fran's deadly maneuvers with the opposite sex under control, finding herself at the heart of a bachelor party controversy, consuminglarge quantities of alcohol, and throwing out hysterical barbs that would make Oscar Wilde proud, Mel will break some hearts and win over those of readers by the score...all of whom are certain to enjoy the mayhem -- and hilarious mishaps -- in store in "Amanda's Wedding!"
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Photo of Kourtney
1 star
Oct 3, 2021

What a let down!! 200-some odd pages of how the characters want to take down Amanda's wedding and then when it gets to the wedding there's maybe 2 pages about it? Seriously? And the ending? I already can't remember what happened...that can't be good. The main character Melanie was so self absorbed she couldn't see what was going on around her. The jokes fell flat and even more disturbing was that sound effects that were written in...chaw chaw chaw? Ergh? Blaugh? What is that??? And PS - "?" and "!" ARE NOT SENTENCES...PEOPLE DON'T SAY "EXCLAMATION POINT!" AND "QUESTION MARK." It's little things like that that made me want to put the book down every 2 pages...

Photo of Noha Abdelaziz
Noha Abdelaziz@nouhashawqi
3 stars
Aug 31, 2022
Photo of Noran Raafat
Noran Raafat@noranraafat
5 stars
Jul 31, 2022
Photo of Marjan Westbroek
Marjan Westbroek@marjan
2 stars
Apr 29, 2022
Photo of Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams@sjw414
4 stars
Jan 8, 2022
Photo of Ruth Parker
Ruth Parker @ruth
5 stars
Nov 18, 2021