100 Tanka by 100 Poets of Australia & New Zealand

100 Tanka by 100 Poets of Australia & New Zealand One Poem Each

'Circa 1235, Fujiwara no Teika (Sadaie) edited the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (100 Poems by 100 Poets) at his villa in Kyoto near Mt Ogura. Teika would surely have been both astonished and delighted were he to have been told that the Hyakunin Isshu has set out for the southern hemisphere, where one hundred talented poets have composed tanka in English for another such anthology. As a poet who happens to be witness to this special moment in history, I am deeply grateful to be given the honour of introducing this unique anthology to the world.' - Kiyoko Ogawa, co-editor of Poetry Nippon
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